Carbon Hedge Funds

Overview of Carbon Hedge Funds

The flexibility of the hedge fund structure is the central reason these investment vehicles are so popular.  The flexibility allows funds to specialize on certain investment sectors or strategies, and they can move quickly to the hot areas of the markets.  One of the hot areas of the markets is the movement toward green investments and strategies.  With this increased focus on energy and related areas, Carbon Hedge Funds have become a popular investment vehicle to focus on “carbon” as a new asset class.  This article will overview the two common carbon hedge fund strategies and will also provide resources for more information on carbon trading and other investments.  Please contact us if you have any questions on the information below or if you would like more information on starting a carbon hedge fund. Continue reading

Exemption From Florida Investment Advisory Registration

Most states do not have securities laws which provide hedge fund managers with an exemption from investment advisor registration at the state level.  However, Florida does have an exemption which many Florida based hedge fund managers rely upon in order to avoid registration with the Florida Securities Division.

Specifically, Section 517.021(13)(b) of the Florida laws provide that the term “investment adviser” does not include “any person who does not hold herself or himself out to the general public as an investment adviser and has no more than 15 clients within 12 consecutive months in this state.”  Of course the Florida hedge fund manager or prospective manager and the hedge fund attorney should discuss whether the manager’s investment advisory activities will fall within this definition.  Continue reading

Florida Hedge Fund Law – Investment Advisor Registration Information

Florida is a very popular jurisdiction for hedge fund formation.  Along with New York, Connecticut, California, and Texas, Florida ranks as one of the most popular hedge fund jurisdictions.  I have included below a description of the investment advisor provisions from the Florida Securities Division website.  One thing to note, as with all Securities Division websites, is that the information below is not the full picture.  For instance, the notice below does not mention a common provision which exempts Florida hedge fund managers from investment advisor registration with the state. Continue reading

FINRA New Issue Rule 5130 (Text of the Rule)

As we announced earlier today, the NASD New Issue Rule 2790 has changed and is now FINRA Rule 5130.  The text of the New Issue rule is below and can also be found on the FINRA website here.  With regard to hedge funds, this rule is most important with regard to who will be deemed a “restricted person” and thus generally ineligible to recieve a full allocation of any gains attributable to new issues (commonly known as initial public offerings or IPOs).  The full text of the rule follows.  Continue reading

Hedge Fund “New Issue” Rule Changes

Minor Modifications to “New Issues” Rule Approved; New FINRA Rule 5130

FINRA (formerly the NASD) has been reworking a new rulebook which means that many rules have been modified and renumbered.  At least one important hedge fund rule has been renumbered.  The “new issue” rule, which affects hedge funds and other members of the securities community, has been slightly modified and is now known as FINRA Rule 5130 (formerly Rule 2790). Hedge fund managers should discuss with their attorneys whether their hedge fund offering documents need to be updated to reflect this change.  Continue reading

Colorado Hedge Fund Law – Colorado Investment Advisor Privacy Rules

Application of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act to Colorado Registered Investment Advisors

A common question for state registered investment advisors is regarding their responsibilities for maintaining the privacy of their hedge fund investors.  Many state securities divisions provide notice on their website regarding the applicability of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act to the manager’s investment advisory activities.  The Colorado Securities Division, which has a savvy and knowledgeable staff, has provided Colorado investment advisers with an overview of their responsibilities with regard to “non-public personal information.”  In general most hedge funds do not have a need to disclose the “non-public personal information” of their investors to outside parties, but if a hedge fund manager does need to disclose such information to third parties, then the manager should discuss this in greater detail with his hedge fund attorney.

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Another Commodity Pool Operator Fraud – Lesson in Hedge Fund Due Diligence

We frequently discuss scams involving the investment management and hedge fund industry as a warning to potential hedge fund investors to take the hedge fund due diligence process seriously.  In the CFTC release posted below, we have a classic scam where the sponsors of a commodity/futures fund acted in a fraudulent manner and used the assets of the fund for their own personal reasons.  We have listed the items which the consent order found and how an experienced hedge fund due diligence team could have protected the investor from fraud. Continue reading

Oregon Hedge Funds – Investment Advisor Issues

Questions and Answers on Oregon Investment Advisor Registration For Hedge Funds

Some states will provide a good source of information to start up hedge fund managers which details whether the hedge fund manager will need to register as an investment adviser in the state of residence.  The following resource is from the Oregon Division of Finance and Corporate Securities and answers common questions that potential Oregon hedge fund managers would have regarding the Oregon investment advisor registration requirements.

Specifically this set of questions and answers shows us that there is no de minimis rule which would allow managers to escape investment advisor registration in Oregon; the Q&A also details the notice filing requirements in Oregon.  Even though SEC registered investment advisors will not need to register with the state securities division, the firm will need to “notice file” and pay a filing fee and investment advisor representatives of the firm will usually need to have the Series 65 and the investment advisory firm will need to pay a filing fee for the representative.  Continue reading

Hedge Fund Managers and Investment Advisor Registration Status

Many hedge fund managers who are registered as investment advisors with the SEC have experienced losses this year as well as investor redeptions.  For some managers the losses combined with investor redemptions may have the effect of decreasing an advisor’s assets below the $25million threshold for SEC investment advisor registration.  Generally an investment advisor is not allowed to be registered with the SEC if the manager’s assets under management do not exceed $25 million. Continue reading

Non-Accredited Investors in Hedge Funds

Many start-up hedge fund managers want to know if their friends and family can invest in the start-up hedge fund.  Most of the time, such friends and family do not fall within the definition of accredited investor under the Regulation D rules. The regulation D rules allow a maximum of 35 non-accredited investors to invest in any single offering.  Because a hedge fund offering is continuous, the limit of 35 non-accredited investors is cumulative.  That means that over the life of the fund there can be no more than 35 non-accredited investors (as opposed to 35 non-accredited investors in the fund at any single point in time). Continue reading