Author Archives: Hedge Fund Lawyer

Hedge Fund Structure – Hedge Fund Organizational Chart

A common issue which often arises is exactly what manner in which the investors actually subscribe to the fund and how the fund actually invests the money.  The attached chart (Hedge Fund Organizational Chart) provides a typical hedge fund organizational structure.  The chart also details the movement of the management fee, the performance fee, the movements of money, and hedge fund subscriptions or withdrawals. Continue reading

Withdrawing from Investment Advisor Registration – the Form ADV-W

For many different reasons a hedge fund manager will decide to de-register as an investment advisor.  The manager may no longer be required to be registered or a manager may have registered simply for marketing purposes and has found that it is too much of a hassle (and cost) to be registered.   In such instances a hedge fund manager can withdrawal from registration by filing Form ADV-W through the IARD (Investment Advisor Registration Depository) system.   The process for de-registering is substantially the same whether the manager is registered with the SEC or with the state securities commission.  This article will discuss (i) issues with de-registration for the hedge fund manager and (ii) detail the process of deregistering.  Continue reading

Recommended Hedge Fund Articles for Start-up Hedge Fund Managers

Last week we posted our most popular hedge fund articles to date.  This week we are providing start up hedge fund managers with a “hedge fund manager start up guide” which consists of the most important articles for start-up (and existing) hedge fund managers.  The following article provide you with the background information you need to be prepared to begin the hedge fund formation process.

Our group has worked with over 200 start up hedge funds and hedge fund managers and we know the issues which managers are concerned about.  Please contact us if you have any questions on these articles.

Hedge Fund Presentation

  • Start Up Presentation – this voice-over presentation goes over most of the topics covered in the posts below.  The presentation is about 40 minutes long and discusses the basic issues involved in starting a hedge fund.

The Basics

Investors and Fees

Structural Issues

The Laws

Raising Hedge Fund Assets

Other Recommended

Hedge Fund Service Providers Overview

The hedge fund industry includes not only the hedge fund managers and the investors, but also the service providers that help the hedge fund and the manager with the day to day duties associated with running a hedge fund.

The industry has grown rapidly over the last decade and continues to develop at an ever rapid pace.  In the beginning there were hedge fund attorneys, prime brokers, hedge fund administrators, hedge fund auditors, but now we also have consultants, website designers, due diligence experts and compliance firms.  All of these businesses fall within the category of hedge fund service providers.  I’ve detailed the various roles of these businesses on other parts of this blog, but am producing this overview which should be especially helpful for start-up hedge funds. Continue reading

Paulson to Hedge Funds: Time for Hedge Fund Registration

Treasury Secretary Paulson spoke today about new financial market regulations.  In his remarks he mentioned that there should be some new hedge fund regulations which allow oversight by a market regulator. I have posted an excerpt containing the comment as well as the whole speech. Continue reading

Hedge fund advertising – Can a hedge fund manager run a blog?

Blogs have become important tools in the investment management industry and have allowed even the most unsophisticated computer user (ahem….hedgefundlawblog….) to post useful thoughts and information for other industry participants to examine and opine upon.

Some hedge fund managers may want to use the internet and blogs to vet ideas or to discuss certain parts of their strategy, which begs the question whether such activities are legal under the federal (and state) securities laws.   As we see it, there are three central issues which a hedge fund manager must be aware of when deciding whether to blog: (i) the Regulation D rules prohibiting general solicitation, (ii) the “no holding out” requirement for investment advisor exemption, and (iii) the anti-fraud rules (no manipulation).  We will examine these issues in turn and then provide recommendations. Continue reading

California Investment Advisor Exemption for Certain Hedge Fund Managers

In the article Connecticut Hedge Fund Registration Exemption, we discussed that certain states like Connecticut provide administrative orders allowing hedge fund managers an exemption from the registration provisions under certain circumstances.

Similarly certain states have provided a similar exemption to hedge fund managers through the securities commission rule making process.  For example, California Rule 260.204.9 provides that hedge fund managers are exempt from registration with the California Securities Commission if (i) the manager has $25 million or more in assets under management and (ii) has less than 15 clients (a hedge fund counts as a single client).  As with all exemptions from investment advisor registration, the hedge fund manager must make sure that it does not hold itself out as an investment advisor.  The California Rule also provides an exemption for managers of venture capital funds. Continue reading

Hedge Fund Soft Dollars – Permitted Soft Dollar Practices

This memorandum contains information regarding eligible and ineligible uses of soft dollars within the safe harbor found under Section 28(e) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.  This memo is structured in three parts: (i) discusses, generally, the eligibility of research services; (ii) discusses, generally, the eligibility of brokerage activities; and (iii) discusses, generally, mixed-use items. Continue reading

Hedge Fund Managers Look to Cut Costs – No Hedge Fund Audit?

As hedge fund performance results are weak or negative, managers are becoming more interested in decreasing the costs that the management company bears directly as well as those costs which are borne by the fund. Continue reading