Tag Archives: hedge fund life settlement

Life Settlement Hedge Funds – Are Life Settlements Securities?

Many life settlement hedge fund managers which establish life settlement hedge funds come from the insurance industry (although we have dealt with managers who are also registered as investment advisors).  Accordingly, many managers are surprised when we discuss the issue of potential investment advisory registration.  The central question is whether life settlements are securities.  Continue reading

Sale of Viatical Investments as Securities (Washington State)

This release is from the Washington State Department of Financial Institutions.


In 1999, Securities Administrator Deborah Bortner sent out a letter to insurance agents in the State of Washington regarding the applicability of the state securities laws to the offer and sale of viatical settlement contracts to investors. Under such a contract, a terminally ill person sells the death benefit in his or her life insurance policy in return for cash that can be used for current expenses. Continue reading