Tag Archives: hedge fund benefit

Hedge Funds Care LA Event

3rd Annual Los Angeles Benefit

4/30/2009 – Los Angeles

The Hedge Funds Care Los Angeles Committee cordially invites you to their 3rd Annual Benefit.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

5:00 PM

W Los Angeles
930 Hilgard Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90024

For more information, please contact Dan Butchko at DButchko@HedgeFundsCare.org or 212-991-9600 ext. 336.

The Invitation:

You’re Invited!

The Hedge Funds Care Lose Angeles Committee
cordially invites you to their 3rd Annual Benefit…

Good Times in Trying Times
Thursday, April 30th, 2009
The Backyard at The W Hotel, Westwood
930 Hilgard Avenue | Los Angeles 90024
5:00pm – 8:00pm
Business Attire

Join us to help support Los Angeles’ children in need.  Times are challending for many, especially for those who rely on agencies that prevent and treat child abuse.  Please open your hearts and enjoy an evening of reaching out to your peers while reaching out to the children.

Non-hoseted Valet Parking Available Onsite

* Appetizers
* Cocktails
* Silent Auction
* Raffle
* And Much More!

Los Angeles Committee 2009

Michael Smith,

Michelle White,

Brett Alpert
Cresta Archuletta
Erin Brodie
Conrad Gorospe
Kathleen Kenney
Mary Beth Salter
Yaela Shamburg
Steve Smith
Mason Snyder
Kristine Stromeyer
Rita Swann
Mark Trousdale

Hedge Fund Administrator Charity

As described in the press release reprinted below a hedge fund administrator is providing reduced fees to clients who donate their set up fees to Hedge Funds Care, a charity which benefits abused children.  Hedge Funds Care puts on a number of events throughout the US.  The San Francisco Hedge Funds Care group will be putting on an event on March 11 – more on this event to be forthcoming.


Hedge Fund Administrator Offers Discount Pricing to Emerging Hedge Fund Managers Who Donate Set-up Fees to Hedge Funds Care

NEW YORK, Feb. 17 /PRNewswire/ — Variman LLC, (www.variman.com) a boutique provider of hedge fund administration, middle and back office services, joins together with Hedge Funds Care (www.hedgefundscare.org) to increase awareness of child abuse and assist its efforts to prevent and treat child abuse.

Variman Fund Services will offer discounted monthly service fees to emerging managers who donate the standard set-up fee to Hedge Funds Care on behalf of Variman LLC for a limited time.
Given the difficult times our industry is currently facing, Variman Fund Services, in an effort to support both the needs of the marketplace and those of abused children, believes this initiative will be worthwhile and bring solid value to all involved.

For further information, please log on to www.variman.com and provide contact information as needed for a quick response. This is a limited time offer and applies to emerging hedge fund managers requiring hedge fund administration. All information will be held strictly confidential.

About Variman LLC

Variman LLC, headquartered in Short Hills, NJ, USA with offices in Dubai and India, brings a fresh perspective to Capital Markets Operations and Hedge Fund Administration with its unique service platform to provide complete visibility to all aspects of post-trade processing including liquidity management and collateral optimization

Variman Fund Services remains one of the few administrators to offer bespoke white glove services according to client requirements and budget. Variman Fund Services can efficiently deal with multiple brokers, global middle and back office operations and accounting functions across asset all classes and time zones.

About Hedge Funds Care

Founder Rob Davis established Hedge Funds Care in 1998 with the dream of helping to prevent and treat child abuse. With the encouragement and participation of his colleagues in the hedge fund industry, the first Open Your Heart to the Children Benefit took place in New York in February of 1999 and raised $542,000. What began as a single fundraiser has grown into an international nonprofit organization. Hedge Funds Care has distributed over $18 million through more than 500 grants. In 2009, annual benefits will take place in New York, San Francisco, Chicago, Atlanta, Boston, Denver, Toronto, London and the Cayman Islands. Through the ongoing generosity and commitment of hedge fund industry professionals, HFC continues its rapid expansion. We anticipate future growth to cities in the U.S. and abroad.