Tag Archives: cpo annual filing

CPO Annual Financial Report Filing

Information on Filing Annual Report with NFA

Commodity Pool Operators (“CPOs”) are required to distribute an Annual Report, certified by an independent public accountant, to each participant in each pool it operates (i.e. the investors in the commodity/futures hedge fund) within 90 days after the pool’s fiscal year-end (normally December 31).  CPOs are also required under the Commodity Exchange Act and commission regulations to file this report electronically with the National Futures Association (“NFA”) through the NFA’s EasyFile system.  Alternate due dates exist for pools that are operated as a “fund of funds“.  CPOs can monitor their filings and review their due dates for each pool in the EasyFile system.  We have included an overview of the requirements and process below and Cole-Frieman & Mallon LLP would be able to help CPOs to make this filing as well.

Filing Overview

  • Who – all CPOs must file the annual financial report unless they are exempt under the CFTC Regulation 4.13.
  • What – a certified financial statement (PDF of the exact statement distributed to the pools limited partners) from an auditor needs to be filed with the NFA.  (Please note that CPOs who are exempt under the CFTC Regulation 4.7 does not need to have their statements audited.)
  • When – commodity pool annual reports must be distributed to pool participants and filed with the NFA within 90 calendar days of the pool’s fiscal year end.  (Mallon P.C. can also check the due date by logging into the EasyFile system on the Filing Index page.)
  • How – CPOs must submit annual reports to NFA electronically in accordance with NFA’s EasyFile electronic filing system and procedures.

NFA EasyFile System

Pool operators should have their NFA login and password to access the EasyFile system.  Submitting pool financial statements using EasyFile involves a three step process:

  1. The CPO (or compliance group) will upload a PDF of the identical pool financial statement provided to the pool’s limited partners, including the balance sheet, income statement, schedule of investments, footnotes, and the Independent Auditor’s Opinion, if applicable.
  2. The CPO (or compliance group) will then enter approximately 30 key financial balances into an electronic schedule. These balances will be pulled directly from the balance sheet, income statement and statement of changes in net asset value included in the pool’s PDF filing.
  3. The CPO (or compliance group) will finally submit the electronic filing, the system will run some basic edit checks. It will also prompt the CPO to read and agree to an electronic oath or affirmation. This oath or affirmation will apply to the information included in the PDF, as well as, the information entered into the schedule of key financial balances.

A common pitfall with this process include miscalculations with the key financial balances. In order to prevent this from occurring, the CPO should make sure the values/balances input into the system correspond with the PDF certified financial statement.  After submission, the CPO should ensure the updated status of the filing becomes “Received” by logging into Pool Index page the in the EasyFile system.  This status should show up within a few days after the filing has been submitted.


In addition to the various yearly compliance measures, such as the NFA Self-Examination Checklist, CPOs should be aware that they need to file their audited reports with the NFA.  This is especially important because the NFA has fined large firms for failing to file on time (see previous NFA Action).  If you need help with filing your annual financials, please contact Cole-Frieman & Mallon LLP for further information on our commodities and futures compliance services.


Other related NFA compliance articles include:

Bart Mallon, Esq. runs the Hedge Fund Law Blog and provides hedge fund information and manager registration services through Cole-Frieman & Mallon LLP. He can be reached directly at 415-868-5345.

CFTC Provides Annual Guidance to CPOs

Annual Report Guidance for Commodity Pool Operators

In a recent release, which we have reprinted in full below, the CFTC reminds CPOs of their annual reporting requirements under Regulation 4.22.  The release includes a link to the 2010 CPO Annual Guidance Letter.  In general the letter provides another reminder to CPOs to file their annual reports with the NFA and provide a copy to the investors in the pool.  I have outlined below the major parts of the letter.

General Issues to consider

  • Commodity pool annual reports must be distributed to pool participants within 90 calendar days of the pool’s fiscal year end.  For most funds this means by March 31, 2010.
  • Commodity pool annual reports must be filed with the NFA within 90 clendar days of the pool’s fiscal year end.  For most funds this means by March 31, 2010.
  • All documents must be filed electronically through the NFA’s filing system.
  • Extensions are available in certain circumstances.

Other Issues

For groups which have different or more complex structures, additional considerations need to be addressed.  Such groups include:

  • Master/feeder commodity pool structures
  • Commodity pool fund of funds
  • Offshore commodity pools
  • CPOs claiming an exemption under Regulation 4.13
  • Reports of commodity pools which are liquidating
  • Commodity pools established as a series structure (such as a series LLC)
  • Commodity pools which invest in non-exchange traded instruments may have additional issues

Moreover, the letter includes references to the recently amended CPO relations.

If a CPO will not be able to file on time, the CPO should file for an extension.  “Automatic” extensions can be granted to CPOs to fund of fund structures.  If you have questions with making a filing, please feel free to contact Cole-Frieman & Mallon LLP. The following press release can be found here.


CFTC’s Division of Clearing and Intermediary Oversight Provides Annual Report Guidance to Commodity Pool Operators

Washington, DC — The Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s Division of Clearing and Intermediary Oversight has issued its annual guidance letter to registered commodity pool operators (CPOs). The letter is intended to assist CPOs and their public accountants in complying with the Commission’s regulations on the preparation and filing of commodity pool annual financial reports.

The highlights contained in this year’s letter include:

  • Recent amendments to Commission regulations pertaining to various reporting issues;
  • Annual report filing procedures and due dates;
  • Special considerations that apply to filings made for Master/Feeder and Fund of Funds structures;
  • Use of International Financial Reporting Standards in lieu of U.S. generally accepted accounting principles;
  • Reporting requirements for pools in liquidation;
  • Reporting requirements for series funds with limitation of liability among the different series; and
  • Various accounting developments that may impact report preparation.

For more information on CPO Annual Guidance Letter 2009, please see the Related Documents link.

Copies of the letter also may be obtained by contacting the Commission’s Office of the Secretariat, Three Lafayette Centre, 1155 21st Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20581, (202) 418-5100.


Other related compliance articles for CPOs and CTAs include:

Bart Mallon, Esq. runs the Hedge Fund Law Blog.  He can be reached directly at 415-868-5345.