One of the consequences of the Dodd-Frank Act is that federal and state jurisdiction over investment advisor firms will change. In general, fund managers with less than $150 million in AUM will not be subject to registration with the SEC.* While such managers will not be subject to SEC registration, they may be subject to investment adviser registration in the manager’s state of operation. Laws from state to state on this issue differ widely but the North American Securities Administrator Association (NASAA) is trying to bring some continuity and certainty with respect to state registration requirements. NASAA is proposing that states adopt regulations which requires private fund managers to register as investment advisers with the state unless that manager only provides advice to funds which are exempt under Section 3(c)(7).
*note: if a fund manager also has separately managed accounts, the manager will need to be SEC registered unless the manager has less than $100 million in AUM.
Of course it will be up to the states to decide whether or not to adopt the proposed rule, but if the proposal is adopted by any state, it would mean that many more managers would need to register at the state level if such managers were not registered with the SEC (in many, but perhaps not all cases). I have written a number of times that most state securities divisions do not have the resources to handle an increase in IA registrations so I believe it unlikely that states securities divisions will lobby the legislatures for an increase in registrations under the NASAA proposal (for many states). This proposal is essentially the first step toward states discussing the larger issue of how the securities laws will change in response to the changes from Dodd-Frank – we are likely to hear more about this story in the coming months as the SEC and states begin to more fully understand how legislative changes will affect their normal operating routines with respect to investment advisers.
Below we have provided some background on the proposed rule and the text of the proposed rule.
Background & NASAA’s Proposed Model Rule
Prior to Dodd-Frank, the “private adviser exemption” from SEC registration applied to any investment advisor who during the course of the preceding 12 months had fewer than 15 clients (a fund is counted as one client) and who did not generally hold itself out to the public as an investment advisor. Most hedge fund managers generally would utilize this exemption from IA registration with the SEC. Title IV of the Dodd-Frank Act eliminated this exemption and in its place, created new registration and reporting rules for private fund advisers.
As we noted above, certain managers (including managers to venture capital funds and private equity funds) with less than $150 million in AUM will be exempt from SEC registration. These managers exempt from SEC registration are called “exempt reporting advisers” (ERAs) and, although exempt from “registration” with the SEC, must still submit reports to the SEC (see Exempt Reporting Adviser Requirements). In addition, these managers may still be required to register at the state level.
NASAA is proposing that managers of Section 3(c)(7) funds be exempt from state registration and that all other fund managers be subject to registration with the state securities division. The stated rationale for this proposal is that investors in Section 3(c)(7) funds must be qualified purchasers and therefore do not need managers to be registered with the state securities commission. To qualify for the NASAA exemption at the state level, the adviser must:
- not be subject to a disqualification (which includes various criminal, civil, and regulatory disciplinary events),
- solely advise 3(c)(7) fund(s),
- file with the state the report that is required by the SEC (the condensed Form ADV, discussed in the Exempt Reporting Advisers article), and
- pay applicable fees.
IA representatives associated with the ERA firm would also be exempt from state registration and licensing requirements.
NASAA’s proposed model rule would not apply to advisers of private funds with $150 million or more in AUM which are required to register with the SEC and satisfy any state notice filing requirements.
Request for Comments
NASAA is seeking comments on this proposed model rule. Comments should be submitted electronically to or by mail to NASAA, Attn: Joseph Brady, 750 First Street, NE, Suite 1140, Washington, DC, 20002 by January 24, 2011.
NASAA’a proposed model rules are reprinted below and can be found here.
Our Thoughts
We have not heard states discussing the NASAA proposal. We also do not think that anything will be happening with this model rule immediately as states will be focusing on trying to figure out how to deal with the expected increase in state applications because of Dodd-Frank.
Proposed NASAA Model Rule on Private Fund Adviser Registration and Exemption Rule XXX. Registration exemption for exempt reporting advisers
a. Subject to the provisions of paragraph (b) herein, an investment adviser solely to one or more private funds, shall be exempt from the registration requirements of Section XXX [identify authority] and shall be considered an exempt reporting adviser in this state if the adviser satisfies the following conditions:
(1) neither the adviser nor any of its advisory affiliates are subject to a disqualification as described in Section 230.262 of title 17, Code of Federal Regulations, or any successor thereto;
(2) the adviser acts as an adviser solely to private funds that qualify for the exclusion from the definition of “investment company” under Section 3(c)(7) of the Investment Company Act of 1940;
(3) the adviser files with the state a copy of each report and amendment thereto that an exempt reporting adviser under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 would be required to file with the Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant to SEC Rule 275.204-4, along with a consent to service of process complying with Section XXX [identify authority]; and
(4) the adviser pays the fees specified in Section XXX [identify authority].
b. A federal covered investment adviser shall not be eligible for this exemption and shall comply with the state notice filing requirements applicable to such advisers.
c. An investment adviser representative is exempt from the registration requirements of Section XXX [identify authority] if he or she is employed by or associated with an adviser that is exempt from registration in this state pursuant to paragraph (a.) above.
d. As used in this rule a private fund means an issuer that would be an investment company as defined in section 3 of the Investment Company Act of 1940 but for sections 3(c)(1) or 3(c)(7) of the Act.
e. The report filings described in paragraph (a.)(3) above shall be made electronically through the IARD. A report shall be deemed filed when the report and the fee required by Section XXX [identify authority] are filed and accepted by the IARD on the state’s behalf.
Bart Mallon is an attorney who works with both state and SEC registered fund managers. His firm, Cole-Frieman & Mallon LLP, routinely provides regulatory and compliance services to registered investment advisers. He can be reached directly at 415-868-5345.