Author Archives: Hedge Fund Lawyer

Hedge Fund Registration Becoming More Likely

SEC Commissioner Calls for Hedge Fund Registration in Two Recent Speeches

In two separate speeches this year SEC Commissioner Luis A. Aguilar has called for hedge fund registration.  Commissioner Aguilar, appointed to the Commission last year, asked Congress to pass legislation amending the Investment Advisors Act to give the SEC authority to regulate hedge funds or hedge fund advisors.  Aguilar believes that increased regulation will provide the SEC with more information about funds and will also give the SEC the necessary tools to identify and potentially prevent misconduct prior to investor losses.  Continue reading

CPO Annual Report Guidance

CFTC Release Provides Guidance on Annual Report Requirements

CFTC Rule 4.22(c) requires commodity pool operators to provide each investor in the commodity pool with certain information on an annual basis.  These Annual Reports must be provided to investors (generally in hard copy) within 90 days of the end of the CPO’s fiscal year (generally the calendar year).  These Annual Reports must also be filed with the NFA within 90 days of the end of the CPO’s fiscal year.  Because of the technical nature of the Annual Report requirement, the CFTC has released a reminder which provides information on a variety of technical aspects of the Rule.  Continue reading

FINRA to Regulate Member’s Retail Forex Activities

Comments on Proposed Retail Forex Rules Sought

The Finanacial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) requested comments on a proposed rule to limit the leverage available to retail investors trading in the off-exchange foreign currency (forex) markets.  The proposed rule would be applicable to FINRA member firms and would limit leverage in forex transactions to 1.5 to 1.  The proposed leverage limits are significantly lower than the leverage limits currently offered in the industry (which can reach up to 100 to 1 or higher).  The leverage limitation would not be applicable to eligible contract participants.  The FINRA proposal is the latest step in a series of regulatory tightening measures which have been instituted with the goal of protecting retail investors from the risks of the forex markets (for more information please see New Forex Registration Requirements).  Comments on the proposal are due February 20, 2009.  Continue reading

Hedge Fund Job Opportunity – Marketer Wanted

I received an inquiry from a recruiter who is looking for a hedge fund marketer.  Here it is:

I am a recruiter that usually doesn’t enter into this area of expertise.  However, I do have a very hot opportunity for a Hedge Fund Marketer in the South West.  Would love to hear from anyone qualified, licensed but just downsized or looking for expanding his/her portfolio.

If you would like more information on this opportunity, I would be happy to pass along the information.

Geithner Testimony – Consider Regulation of Hedge Funds

Nominee Calls for More Financial Regulations

Treasury Secretary nominee Timothy Geithner testified before the Senate Finance Committee on January 21, 2009.  In prepared remarks Geithner hints at a desire to increase regulation of the financial markets:

I believe that markets are central to innovation and to growth, but that markets alone cannot solve all problems. Well-designed financial regulations with strong enforcement are absolutely critical to protecting the integrity of our economy.

During the testimony Geithner faced pointed questions regarding tax policies and the failure of the current regulatory regime to effectively police the financial markets.  Many times he stated that increased regulation may be necessary to protect all participants within the financial markets.  Specifically with regard to hedge funds, in his answer to a question posed by Senator Grassley, Geithner stated “I believe that we should consider requiring registration of hedge funds.” Continue reading

New CFTC Chairman Makes Statement

Statement by CFTC Acting Chairman Michael V. Dunn
January 21, 2009

As I temporarily take over at the helm of the CFTC, I want to thank former Acting Chairman Walter Lukken for his leadership during a very challenging time. He faced a period where economic events demonstrated, most vividly, the perils of removing large swaths of our derivatives markets from oversight. To address these challenges, Walt did not hesitate to try new approaches. Walt also recognized the need for additional resources and, as such, he was a steadfast advocate for increased agency funding . . . funding that was—and continues to be—critical to the CFTC continuing to successfully fulfill its regulatory responsibilities. Continue reading

Hedge Fund Pitchbook

Using a Pitchbook to Market Your Hedge Fund

Marketing a hedge fund is one of the more difficult parts of running and managing a fund.  Many times, managers will discuss investments into a fund through a face-to-face meeting with a potential investor.  During this meeting, a manager will utilize a “pitchbook” as the central way of conveying the most important aspects of an investment in the fund.  This article will provide an overview of the most common parts of a hedge fund pitchbook.  We have also provided a sample pitchbook below. Continue reading

Charges for Nadel

SEC Charges Missing Trader for Defrauding Investors at Sarasota-Based Hedge Funds


Washington, D.C., Jan. 21, 2009 — The Securities and Exchange Commission today charged Arthur Nadel of Sarasota, Fla., with fraud in connection with six hedge funds for which he acted as the principal investment advisor. According to the SEC’s complaint, Nadel provided false and misleading information for dissemination to investors about the funds’ historical returns and falsely overstated the value of investments in the funds by approximately $300 million. Continue reading

What is a hedge fund? (Part 2)

Another Hedge Fund Definition

The term “hedge fund” has been defined numerous times in various government reports and in other financial publications.  We have provided a previous Hedge Fund Definition.  The definition provided below comes from the President’s Working Group report on Hedge Fund Best Practices.


By “hedge fund” we mean a pooled investment vehicle that generally meets most, if not all, of the following criteria:  (i) it is not marketed to the general public (i.e., it is privately offered), (ii) its investors are limited to high net worth individuals and institutions, (iii) it is not registered as an investment company under relevant laws (e.g., U.S. Investment Company Act of 1940), (iv) its assets are managed by a professional investment management firm that is compensated in part based upon investment performance of the vehicle, (v) its primary investment objective is investing in a liquid portfolio of securities and other investment assets, and (vi) it has periodic but restricted or limited investor redemption rights. (This description is based in part on the definition in the Managed Funds Association’s 2007 Sound Practices for Hedge Fund Managers.) Although hedge funds may invest in private equity and real estate, this Report is not addressed to the specific considerations of private equity or real estate funds.  We use the terms “alternative asset manager” and “manager” to refer to the entity that establishes the investment profile and strategies for the hedge fund and makes the investment decisions on its behalf.

Washington DC Hedge Fund Law

Starting a hedge fund in the District of Columbia

In DC, things are starting to get back to normal post-election.  Hedge fund and investment managers who are located in DC, however, will generally need to be registered as investment advisors with the Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking (ISB).  I’ve reviewed the DC investment advisory rules and have found that they have the standard investment advisory definition and, generally, no exemption from the registration provisions for hedge fund managers.  This means that start up hedge fund managers with a place of business in DC will need to register as an investment advisor with the ISB.  The ISB website is fairly helpful and provides links to good information regarding registration.  I have posted one of these resources below, dealing wih the filing requirements for DC investment advisory registration.  Continue reading