Tag Archives: SEC

SEC Chairman Cox Notes Importance of Investment Advisor CCOs

At a recent speech at the 2008 CCOutreach National Seminar, a seminar for the Chief Compliance Officers of registered investment advisors, SEC Chairman Christopher Cox noted the importance of compliance offices during these volatile times.  Cox noted that CCOs are partners with the SEC to ensure that investment advisory firms remain compliant and follow all investment advisory rules and regulations.  The speech is reprinted below.  Continue reading

Overview of the Securities Act of 1933

The Securities Act of 1933 (the “Securities Act”) is the cornerstone to the regulation of securities in the United States. The most important feature of the act is the requirement that all securities be registered or fall within an exemption from registration.  This overview will detail the important provisions of the Securities Act. Continue reading

New Hedge Fund Regulations – Earlier Comments by Commissioner Atkins

As I was reading the book “Fooling some of the People all of the Time” by hedge fund manager David Einhorn, I read a passage discussing a prior speach by SEC Commissioner Atkins.  The passage was:

We need to stop scaring ourselves and others with rhetoric about hedge funds. Rather than talking about how hedge funds “operate in the shadows,” let us take a look at the regulatory constraints on hedge fund advisors that stop them from saying anything about their funds publicly. One irony of the SEC’s complaints about the secretive nature of the hedge fund industry is that advertising restrictions on hedge funds have been interpreted broadly so that hedge fund advisors do not dare to say anything publicly. Continue reading

GAO Report Provides Insight into Potential Future Hedge Fund Regulation

As we have discussed previously, hedge funds, and the investment management industry, are likely to face increasing regulations in the future.  As we look toward Congressional testimony by hedge funds (see Congress to talk with Hedge Funds on November 12) and by other government officials, we have decided to look back at previous GAO reports to see what issues the GAO identified as important.

The U.S. Government Accountability Office has released two reports this year on hedge funds.  The first report (released in February of 2008) described the current hedge fund regulatory regime and some of the risks the current system posed.  The second report (released in September of 2008) focused on some of the issues which pension plans must consider when investing in hedge funds.  I’ve provided a brief overview of the objectives of the two studies below.

Additionally, this week we are going to examine the February report as it includes many of the issues which have surfaced because of the recent market events, especially with regard to counterparty risk.  A list of the topics we will discuss this week include (links activated as soon as articles are published):

The GAO Hedge Fund Reports

Hedge Funds: Regulators and Market Participants Are Taking Steps to Strengthen Market Discipline, but Continued Attention Is Needed

GAO-08-200 Released February 25, 2008  (for full report, please see PDF)

According to the preamble, “This report (1) describes how federal financial regulators oversee hedge fund-related activities under their existing authorities; (2) examines what measures investors, creditors, and counterparties have taken to impose market discipline on hedge funds; and (3) explores the potential for systemic risk from hedge fund-related activities and describes actions regulators have taken to address this risk.”

Defined Benefit Pension Plans: Guidance Needed to Better Inform Plans of the Challenges and Risks of Investing in Hedge Funds and Private Equity

GAO-08-692 Released September 10, 2008 (for full report, please see PDF please also see an earlier article we released on this report entitled Hedge Fund and Pension Report Issued by GAO)

GAO was asked to examine (1) the extent to which plans invest in hedge funds and private equity; (2) the potential benefits and challenges of hedge fund investments; (3) the potential benefits and challenges of private equity investments; and (4) what mechanisms regulate and monitor pension plan investments in hedge funds and private equity.

Other Related HFLB articles include:

SEC Emphasizes Importance of Hedge Fund Investment Advisor Compliance

The SEC’s Lori Richards, Director, Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations, spoke last week at an event and emphasized the importance of compliance during these volatile markets.  For chief compliance officers (CCOs) at registered investment advisory firms, the following speech transcript should be required reading.  Hedge fund managers registered as investment advisors must be especially aware of the fiduciary obligation they have to their client.  Specifically Richards noted that examiners will be focusing investment programs to make sure there is no style drift in their portfolios and that valuation is done pursuant to the manager’s stated valuation procedures.

Richards also discussed a number of areas which compliance officers should be focusing on during this time.  Specifically she advocated that a firm’s CCO: make sure following all securities laws and regulations, including the Form SH filings; make sure there is no market manipulation or insider trading; review and update if necessary the following Form ADV, Form ADV Part II, performance advertising, marketing, fund prospectuses and any other information provided to clients; review best execution and any soft dollar programs.  Richards noted that in keeping with the “culture of compliance,” the CCO “should insist on absolute compliance with policies and procedures, there should be no possibility of ‘suspending’ compliance. And it would be timely for you to remind firm employees of your presence and make clear to every employee in the firm that no shortcuts will be allowed.”

Richards also noted that the examiners will be looking for undisclosed payments by and to hedge fund investment advisors.  This is especially interesting in light of the recent case brought by the DOL against a registered investment adviser for failing to disclose payments from a hedge fund manager.  Please see DOL Sues Investment Advisor for ERISA violation.

If a registered hedge fund manager’s CCO has not considered any of the above issues the manager should immediately contact a hedge fund attorney or compliance professional.  It is likely that a hedge fund manager will be audited given the SEC’s “risk-based” model of audits.  I have posted some regular articles below.  The full text of the speach is reprinted below and can also be found here.


Speech by SEC Staff:
Compliance Through Crisis: Focus Areas for SEC Examiners and Compliance Professionals

by Lori A. Richards
Director, Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
National Society of Compliance Professionals
National Meeting
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

October 21, 2008

Good Morning. I’m very pleased to be with you here today at the National Meeting of the National Society of Compliance Professionals. I believe that this is the largest professional organization of compliance professionals in the securities industry, so you carry a lot of clout!

Before I begin, I am required to state that the views I express today are my own, and do not necessarily represent the views of the Commission or any other member of the staff.

This event and others like it are so important — they provide an opportunity to share information about cutting edge compliance practices, about emerging compliance risks, and about strategies to help establish strong compliance programs and instill a healthy culture of compliance. Your role as compliance professionals is critical in any market environment, but in today’s turbulent times, it is essential. Your job each day is to educate, to guide, to investigate, to test and sometimes to insist on adherence to the law and to the firm’s policies, and sometimes, to just say no! Your job is important in any environment, and it is just as or more important now.

The compliance function within firms is critical in helping to assure operations in compliance with the law, and it must continue to be fully and adequately resourced. While not profit centers, firms must remember that their compliance programs (and related legal functions, as well as the information technology programs that support a well-run compliance program) are essential to their operations — reductions in resources to these programs would be ill-advised. Securities firms cannot now afford to reduce vigilance in compliance.

In today’s environment, perhaps the most important thing you can do as a compliance professional is to remind firm employees of their obligations to investors — for an adviser, the fiduciary obligation to clients, and for a broker, the obligation to follow just and equitable principles of trade. These obligations must continue to motivate and inform the way that the firm interacts with clients, customers, and investors. In addition to this reminder, however, there are areas where you will want to pay particular attention to compliance obligations. I will describe some of those this morning. Finally, you cannot let slip the other ongoing compliance responsibilities that the firm has, I will describe some of these priority areas as well.

As I speak to you today, our markets are undergoing unprecedented change. Once large firms no longer exist, and others have been acquired or merged. Securities firms that once stood alone are now parts of large banks. A money market fund has broken a dollar, and the Treasury has implemented a new program to guarantee certain money market funds from loss and the government has taken unprecedented steps to buy troubled assets and shore up credit markets. These are sudden and significant changes, and while we won’t see their full impact for some time, today, in the securities compliance world, our work could not be more important.

It’s worth remembering, for all of us who work administering compliance programs under the securities laws, that the underlying tenets of the securities laws are quite simple and provide meaningful protections to every investor every day:

  • Companies publicly offering securities to investors must tell the public the truth about their businesses, the securities they are selling, and the risks involved in investing — enabling investors to make informed investment decisions.
  • People who sell and trade securities and provide investment advice — brokers, dealers, advisers and exchanges — must treat investors fairly and honestly, putting investors’ interests first.

In the current credit crisis, the SEC has been aggressively working to police the markets, and to ensure that the “rules of the road” for public companies and market participants include full disclosure to investors and promote healthy capital markets. While a small agency (only 3,800 staff), the SEC packs clout through its experienced and dedicated staff. Addressing the extraordinary challenges facing our markets, the SEC has issued new regulations to strengthen capital markets and protections for investors, taken enforcement measures against market manipulation (including a landmark enforcement action against a trader who spread false rumors designed to drive down the price of stock), initiated examination sweeps, communicated with investors, and collaborated with domestic and foreign regulators around the world.

The SEC is an aggressive police force too — we bring hundreds of enforcement actions each year to protect public investors from fraud.  Indeed in just this last year, we brought more than 650 enforcement actions, more than the year before, involving all types of fraud that harm investors — corporate non-disclosure, ponzi schemes, insider trading, failures to value assets correctly, and other types of frauds. The protections of the securities laws are meaningful and have real consequences for investors. In just the last year alone, we returned over one billion dollars to harmed investors — making the protections of the federal securities laws mean something to those investors who have been defrauded.

And, in the Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations, we are keenly focused on issues that present risk to investors. I wanted to highlight some of the areas that SEC examiners will be focusing on in the months ahead in our examinations of registered investment advisers, investment companies, and broker-dealers — and suggest that these are areas that you might focus attention on as well.

Let me start with the “landscape” because the sheer number of registered firms subject to our examinations impacts our actions quite directly. At the start of FY 2009:

  • There are approximately 11,300 registered investment advisers and 950 fund complexes with over 8,000 mutual fund portfolios (this is a highly transient population: approximately 1,200 advisers became registered and 750 de-registered in FY 2008).
  • There are approximately 5,600 broker-dealers, 174,000 branch offices, and 676,000 registered representatives (as more firms have consolidated, the broker-dealer registrant pool has declined slightly in recent years, while the number of branch offices has increased dramatically). And, there are approximately 410 SEC-registered transfer agents.

Our program is risk-based, which means that we seek to accord resources to those firms and issues that present the greatest risk to investors. Our overall examination plan consists of numerous complementary components: routine and periodic examinations of those advisers (about 1,000) that are considered “higher risk;” routine examinations of large broker-dealer firms to evaluate their internal controls; “oversight” examinations of broker-dealers to evaluate the SROs’ regulatory programs; cause exams based on indications of violations; “sweep” exams focused on particular risk areas; random examinations of lower risk advisers; and visits to newly-registered advisers. In addition to these types of examinations, we will also closely monitor the compliance activities and controls of certain large advisers and broker-dealers.

We’ve also sought to leverage compliance results from firms’ own compliance programs by encouraging firms’ own compliance professionals to be aggressive in assuring compliance with the securities laws. In the coming year, we will continue this work as well — we will continue our CCOutreach programs for chief compliance officers. Our National Seminar for adviser and fund CCOs is November 13, and we just announced that our National Seminar for broker-dealer CCOs, in coordination with FINRA, will be held on March 10, 2009. We will also continue to issue ComplianceAlerts that summarize results of recent examinations so that all firms can benefit from our insights into both what can go wrong, and also, what particular practices seem to help make things go right.

Our examination program includes focus areas and exam initiatives that are particularly critical in today’s market environment. While these are not new areas, they are timely now and examiners will be paying special attention to compliance in these areas. These areas include:

  • Portfolio management: recent losses may provide an impetus for portfolio managers to trade more aggressively than they should or to deviate from investment objectives in order to make up losses, and perhaps also to catch-up on performance-based fees. This is an area where compliance personnel should be active.
  • Financial controls, including compliance with net capital and customer control requirements by broker-dealers, as well as these firms’ risk management and internal control procedures. While the Division of Trading and Markets will no longer be supervising the holding companies of large broker-dealer firms — OCIE examiners will continue to focus attention on controls within the registered broker-dealer, which are intended to protect investors’ accounts with a broker-dealer. And, if you’re an adviser in precarious financial condition — you must disclose this fact to clients. This is an area where your focus is warranted.
  • Valuation, at all types of registrants, including controls and procedures for valuation of illiquid and difficult-to-price securities at all registrants. Reluctance to fair value or mark down prices cannot take precedence over the firm’s pricing procedures — investors and fund shareholders have a right to know the current value of their holdings. If you work for a broker-dealer that provides quotes or for an investment adviser or other user of broker quotes — be particularly alert to and look for the possibility of “accommodation quotes” — which don’t reflect prices at which the security could actually be sold. At its worst, this could be fraudulent conduct. A reminder too — under accounting rules (FAS 157), issuers must classify their assets within a hierarchy. For those assets valued by using a broker’s quote or a price from a pricing service — you should be sure that you understand whether the quote or price is based on actual transactions, reflects the willingness of the broker to trade at that price, or is based on a model or another methodology.  Among strong practices in this area are to require multiple sources of pricing information, and also to regularly go back and compare the actual prices realized on any sale to the fair values used: then, determine the reasons for any wide gaps and implement improvements in pricing processes. This is an area where your focus is needed now — be sure that your firm is implementing its controls and its oversight over pricing.
  • Sales of structured products by broker-dealers and advisers. Of special note — given that investors may be particularly looking for lower-risk investment products, examiners will focus on products marketed as being relatively “safe,” such as principal protected notes and other products, and will review the adequacy of disclosures concerning credit risk, liquidity, and investment risk. Conversely, investors may be looking to recoup losses, and may be more vulnerable to sales of high-risk, high-return products. You will want to focus on both types of products and make sure that representations are accurate and that your firm is treating investors fairly.
  • Controls and processes at recently merged or acquired firms, both advisers and broker-dealers. This is an area where compliance staff must be active — to help make sure that controls and processes do not fall through the cracks in a merged organization.
  • Money market funds, including, at a minimum, compliance with Rule 2a-7 regarding the creditworthiness of portfolio securities, shadow pricing, and compliance oversight — and more broadly, whether funds’ are stretching for yield and subjecting the fund to excessive undisclosed risk. We have examinations underway. The problems experienced by money market funds should be seen as cautionary for all managers and CCOs of money market funds.
  • Short selling and compliance with Regulation SHO and filings of Form SH. Examiners are also focusing on firms’ policies and procedures to prevent employees from knowingly creating, spreading, or using of false or misleading information with the intent to manipulate securities prices, and will be concluding a sweep of broker-dealers and hedge fund advisers in this area.

Beyond these specific compliance risk issues, in times of financial strain, people may act in uncharacteristic ways — in order to conceal losses, inflate revenues or profits, to stay in business or just to avoid delivering bad news. Examiners will be alert for indications of fraud and “acts of desperation” by individuals and firms that are under financial duress. As compliance personnel, however, you are much closer to the scene than we are — and you should be aware of and alert to the increased possibility that individuals under stress may take fraudulent or deceptive actions. Checks and balances are critical in this environment. You should insist on absolute compliance with policies and procedures, there should be no possibility of “suspending” compliance. And it would be timely for you to remind firm employees of your presence and make clear to every employee in the firm that no shortcuts will be allowed.

In addition to these focus areas, OCIE examiners will also be focusing on other compliance risks, and so too must you. We cannot afford to pay less attention to any of these issues. Let me describe several of these areas:

  • Suitability and appropriateness of investments for clients: Examiners will focus on whether securities recommended and investments made for clients and funds are consistent with disclosures, the client’s investment objectives and any investment restrictions, and with the broker or adviser’s obligations to clients to only recommend securities that are suitable or appropriate. We’ll focus in particular, on how firms are interacting with their senior customers and clients. We’ll also focus on structured products and other complex derivative instruments, variable annuities, niche ETFs, managed pay-out funds, and 130/30 funds.
  • Disclosure: Examiners will focus on ADVs, performance advertising, marketing, fund prospectuses and any other information provided to clients. This is a good time for you to review your firm’s disclosures to investors and shareholders. Make sure that any steps the firm has taken in recent days or weeks to deal with the credit crisis are consistent with the firm’s disclosures. Examiners will be specifically looking at how the firm represents its participation in Treasury’s money market guarantee program, the existence of SIPC coverage, and at advertised performance figures. Consider your disclosures as your “Constitution” — even in a crisis, it’s your governing document, and it must match your practices.
  • Controls to prevent insider trading: We’re focusing on the adequacy of policies and procedures, information barriers, and controls to prevent insider trading and leakage of information including the identification of sources of material non-public information, surveillance, physical separation, and written procedures. Controls to prevent insider trading should be strong in any environment.
  • Trading, brokerage arrangements and best execution: We’ll be looking at whether brokerage arrangements are consistent with disclosures, whether the firm seeks best execution, and whether soft dollars are used appropriately (consistent with disclosures), Reg NMS and direct market access arrangements. We will particularly scrutinize the use of an affiliated broker-dealer or any undisclosed relationships with a broker-dealer for excessive commissions, kick-backs and other conflicted relationships. Your best execution committees will want to particularly review execution quality in current markets.
  • Proprietary and employees’ personal trading: This is a basic part of any compliance program — when we find weaknesses in this area, it makes us wonder about the firm’s commitment to addressing other conflicts of interest. This is not an area to be overlooked.
  • Undisclosed payments: Examiners are looking for compensation or payment arrangements that may be part of revenue-sharing, or other undisclosed arrangements with third parties. These payments may be made to increase fund sales or assets under management (such as fund networking fees and payments by advisers to broker-dealers for obtaining space on the firms’ recommended adviser list). Undisclosed payments may also involve misappropriation of adviser/fund/broker-dealer assets by, for example, creating fictitious bills and expense items, or receiving kick-backs from a service provider.
  • Safety of customer assets: Examiners will look at whether brokers, funds and advisers have effective policies and procedures for safeguarding their clients’ assets from theft, loss, and misuse. This is a good time for you too to assess controls in this area. Make sure that advisory clients’ money is with a qualified custodian and review prime brokerage relationships. You may want to ensure that the process for sending account statements to clients has controls to ensure that the account statements cannot be intercepted or falsified. Examiners will also continue to focus on controls for compliance with Regulation S-P with respect to customer information.
  • Anti-money laundering: Examiners will look at whether funds and broker-dealers are complying with obligations under the securities laws, the Patriot Act and Bank Secrecy Act to have effective policies and procedures to detect and deter money-laundering activities, whether these policies and procedures are regularly tested for continued effectiveness, and whether actual practices are consistent with the policies and procedures.
  • Compliance, supervision, and corporate governance: While this is the last item I’ll list, it’s the most important — because it underpins all the other compliance responsibilities that firms have. In the coming year, examiners will focus in particular on supervisory procedures and practices at large branch offices of broker-dealers and at advisory branch offices, on supervision and controls over traders, whether funds have appropriately-constituted boards and have considered required matters (e.g., fair value procedures), and whether firms have implemented effective internal disciplinary processes. Also, we’ll examine: firms that advertise themselves as allowing maximum independence to registered representatives; for abuses in transferring customer accounts as registered representatives move to new firms; supervision of producing branch managers; bank broker-dealer branches; and the adequacy of firms’ testing to detect unsuitable or aberrant trades.

For advisers and mutual funds, in that this is the fifth year of both the Compliance Rule and our CCOutreach efforts for adviser and fund CCOs, we hope to see improvements in firms’ compliance programs, and in particular, that significant deficiencies were identified promptly and corrected appropriately by firms.

* * *

These are challenging times, no doubt. The SEC has been and will continue to guard the interests of investors. Industry compliance professionals too play an indispensable role in fostering and assuring investor protection and the integrity of our markets. As I said at the outset, I think that the first thing that you might do in the current environment is to is to remind firm employees of their obligations to investors — for an adviser, the fiduciary obligation to clients, and for a broker, the obligation to follow just and equitable principles of trade. These obligations must continue to motivate and inform the way that the firm interacts with investors.

I have shared with you today some of the issues that SEC examiners will be focusing on in the coming months — and these are areas where I hope you too will focus your attention. Finally, you cannot let slip the other ongoing compliance responsibilities that the firm has, and I have described some of these priority areas as well.

I hope this information will be helpful to you in your work, and I look forward to continuing to work with you to help improve and assure strong compliance practices in the securities industry.

Thank you.

SEC Chairman Cox Asks Congress for More Financial Regulation

Discussion of the new world of U.S. financial regulation that will be developing over the coming months continued last Thursday as the Congressional Committee on Oversight and Government Reform received testimony on oversight of the financial markets from the SEC Chairman Christopher Cox, among others.  Chairman Cox’s testimony can be characterized as advocating a stronger SEC and more oversight of the financial institutions.  At many times during his testimony he spoke of Congress increasing the regulation in the industry, especially with regard to the unregulated Credit Default Swap markets.

Below I’ve identified some of the more interesting quotes from his speech:

… what happened in the mortgage meltdown and the ensuing credit crisis demonstrates that where SEC regulation is strong and backed by statute, it is effective — and that where it relies on voluntary compliance or simply has no jurisdiction at all, it is not.

There is another reason that a new, overarching statutory scheme is necessary. The current regulatory system is a hodge-podge of divided responsibility and regulatory seams. Coordination among regulators is enormously difficult in this fragmented arrangement, where each of them implements different statutes that treat various financial products and services differently. Today’s balkanized regulatory system undermines the objectives of getting results and ensuring accountability.

Across the board, other regulatory anomalies cry out for rationalization: outdated laws that treat broker-dealers dramatically differently from investment advisers, futures differently from economically equivalent securities, and derivatives as something other than investment vehicles or insurance. Now is the time to make sense of this confusing landscape. But doing so will require enormous leadership from the Congress.

The first is that our laws are relatively ancient, at least from the standpoint of today’s modern markets. They were crafted mainly in the 1930s and 40s. The speed of change in the financial marketplace has only accelerated the divergence of the legal framework and reality. Regulation has embroidered a semblance of modernity onto this outdated framework, but it has not been enough to keep up.

The full text of his speech, reprinted below, can be found here.

Testimony Concerning the Role of Federal Regulators: Lessons from the Credit Crisis for the Future of Regulation

by Chairman Christopher Cox
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
Before the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
United States House of Representatives

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Chairman Waxman, Ranking Member Davis, and Members of the Committee, thank you for inviting me to discuss the lessons from the credit crisis and how what we have learned can help the Congress shape the future of federal regulation. I am pleased to appear here today with the distinguished former Chairman of the Federal Reserve and the distinguished former Secretary of the Treasury, who together have given more than 25 years of service to our country. I should say at the outset that my testimony is on my own behalf as Chairman of the SEC, and does not necessarily represent the views of the Commission or individual Commissioners.


To begin with, it will be helpful to describe the SEC’s function in the current regulatory system, to better explain our role in the events we are discussing.

The SEC requires public companies to disclose to the public their financial statements and other information that investors can use to judge for themselves whether to buy, sell, or hold a particular security. Companies do this through annual and quarterly reports, as well as real-time announcements of unusual events. Administering this periodic reporting system has been a fundamental role of the SEC since its founding 74 years ago.

The SEC regulates the securities exchanges on which stocks, bonds, and other securities are traded. The SEC makes rules that govern trading on the exchanges, and also oversees the exchanges’ own rules. The primary purpose of this regulation is to maintain fair dealing for the exchanges’ customers and to protect against fraud.

The SEC also regulates the securities brokers and dealers who trade on the exchanges. Our authority to do this comes from the Securities Exchange Act, written in 1934. Although the law has been amended several times in the intervening 74 years, it lays out today essentially the same role for the SEC that the agency has always had in this area.

The agency’s Investment Management Division regulates investment advisers, and also investment companies such as mutual funds, under statutes written in 1940. Here, too, the SEC is concerned primarily with promoting the disclosure of important information, and protecting against fraud.

The Office of the Chief Accountant oversees the independent standard setting activities of the Financial Accounting Standards Board, to which the SEC has looked for accounting standards setting since 1973. It also serves as the principal liaison with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, established by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act to oversee the auditing profession.

Above all, the SEC is a law enforcement agency. Each year the SEC brings hundreds of civil enforcement actions for violation of the securities laws involving insider trading, accounting fraud, and providing false or misleading information about securities and the companies that issue them.

Some have tried to use the current credit crisis as an argument for replacing the SEC in a new system that relies more on supervision than on regulation and enforcement. That same recommendation was made before the credit crisis a year ago for a very different, and inconsistent, reason: that the U.S. was at risk of losing business to less-regulated markets. But what happened in the mortgage meltdown and the ensuing credit crisis demonstrates that where SEC regulation is strong and backed by statute, it is effective — and that where it relies on voluntary compliance or simply has no jurisdiction at all, it is not.

The lessons of the credit crisis all point to the need for strong and effective regulation, but without major holes and gaps. They also highlight the need for a strong SEC, which is unique in its arm’s-length independence from the institutions and persons it regulates.

If the SEC did not exist, Congress would have to create it. The SEC’s mission is more important now than ever.

Genesis of the Current Crisis

That brings us to the issue of how the credit crisis came about. The answers are increasingly coming into sharper relief, and this Committee has been looking at several of the contributing causes.

Because the current credit market crisis began with the deterioration of mortgage origination standards, it could have been contained to banking and real estate, were our markets not so interconnected. But the seamlessness which characterizes today’s markets saw financial institutions in every regulated sector suffer significant damage — from investment banks such as Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers, to commercial banks and thrifts such as Wachovia, Washington Mutual, and IndyMac, to the government-sponsored enterprises Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, as well as the nation’s largest insurance company, AIG. Every sector of the financial services industry has been vulnerable to the effects of this toxic mortgage contagion. And as the bank failures in Europe and Asia have made clear, regulated enterprises around the world are susceptible as well.

It is abundantly clear, as the SEC’s former Chief Accountant testified at this Committee’s recent hearing on the failure of AIG, that “if honest lending practices had been followed, much of this crisis quite simply would not have occurred.” The nearly complete collapse of lending standards by banks and other mortgage originators led to the creation of so much worthless or near-worthless mortgage paper that as of last month, banks had reported over one-half trillion dollars in losses on U.S. subprime mortgages and related exposure. This was typified by the notorious no down payment loans, and “no-doc” loans in which borrowers not only didn’t have to disclose income or assets, but even employment wasn’t verified.

Securitization of these bad loans was advertised as a way to diversify and thus reduce the risk. But in reality it spread the problem to the broader markets. When mortgage lending changed from originate-to-hold to originate-to-securitize, an important market discipline was lost. The lenders no longer had to worry about the future losses on the loans, because they had already cashed out. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which got affordable housing credit for buying subprime securitized loans, became a magnet for the creation of enormous volumes of increasingly complex securities that repackaged these mortgages. (Fannie and Freddie together now hold more than half of the approximately $1 trillion in Alt-A mortgages outstanding.)

The credit rating agencies, which until late September 2007 were not regulated by statute, notoriously gave AAA ratings to these structured mortgage-backed securities. But that was not all: the ratings agencies sometimes helped to design these securities so they could qualify for higher ratings. These ratings not only gave false comfort to investors, but also skewed the computer risk models and regulatory capital computations. Both the risk models used by financial institutions and the capital standards used by banking and securities regulators had the credit ratings hard-wired into them.

All of this made financial institutions and the broader economy seriously vulnerable to a decline in housing prices. But the economy has been through real estate boom and bust cycles before. What amplified this crisis, and made it far more virulent and globally contagious, was the parallel market in credit derivatives. If the original cause of the mortgage crisis was too-easy credit and bad lending, the fuel for what has become a global credit crisis was credit default swaps.

Credit default swaps resemble insurance contracts on bonds and other assets that are meant to pay off if those assets default. Lenders who did not sell all of the loans they originated were able to buy relatively inexpensive protection against credit risks through credit default swaps. That further encouraged unsound lending practices and encouraged greater risk-taking. At the same time, credit default swaps became a way for banks, financial firms, hedge funds, and even Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to hedge their risk — but in the process, to expose themselves to new risk from their often unknown counterparties.

By multiplying the risk from the failure of bad mortgages by orders of magnitude, credit default swaps ensured that when the housing market collapsed the effects would be felt throughout the financial system.

For example, as this Committee heard during your hearing on AIG, when mortgage-related securities fell in value, issuers of credit default swaps around the world were forced to post collateral against their positions. This led to increasingly large losses. Credit rating downgrades for such firms would then lead to further requirements for additional collateral, accelerating the downward spiral. Investors concerned about these firms’ deepening problems fled from their stocks. In the case of financial institutions, the slumping stock price led to a loss of customer confidence, often precipitating customer withdrawals and “runs on the bank” that have been averted only with central bank guarantees and liquidity.

Lessons for the Future of Financial Services Regulation

There are important lessons to be learned from this experience — for the SEC, and for the Congress. Like each of you, I have asked myself what I would have wanted to do differently, knowing what we all know now. There are several things.

First, I think every regulator wishes that he or she would have been able to predict before March of this year what we have recently seen not just in investment banks and commercial banks but the broader economy: the meltdown of the entire U.S. mortgage market, which was the fundamental cause of this crisis. I would want the agency’s economists and experts to have seen in the gathering evidence what we now know was there, but what virtually no one saw clearly. Looking back, it is evident that even as the stock market reached its all-time high in October 2007, the deterioration in housing prices and the rise of credit spreads on mortgage backed securities were early signals of a trend that grew so quickly and so powerfully it would within months wipe out both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. But none of the investment banks, commercial banks, or their regulators in the U.S. or around the world in March 2008 used a risk scenario based on a total meltdown of the mortgage market. It clearly would have been prescient for the SEC to have done so.

Second, I would have wanted to question every one of the assumptions behind the Consolidated Supervised Entities program for investment bank holding companies. Although I was not at the SEC when the Commission unanimously approved the program in 2004, when I arrived at the SEC a year later this new program represented the best thinking of the agency’s professional staff. Nonetheless, I would have wanted the Division of Trading and Markets to challenge its reliance on the Basel standards and the Federal Reserve’s 10% well-capitalized test, for reasons including the fact that unlike commercial banks, investment banks didn’t have access to Fed lending. That, as we have seen, can be a crucial distinction.

When the Commission wrote the rules establishing the CSE program in 2004, they chose to rely upon the internationally-accepted Basel standards for computing bank capital. They also adopted the Federal Reserve’s standard of what constitutes a “well-capitalized” bank, and required the CSE firms to maintain capital in excess of this 10% ratio. Indeed, the CSE program went beyond the Fed’s requirements in several respects, including adding a liquidity requirement, and requiring firms to compute their Basel capital 12 times a year, instead of the four times a year that the Fed requires.

Nonetheless, the rapid collapse of Bear Stearns during the week of March 10, 2008 challenged the fundamental assumptions behind the Basel standards and the other program metrics. At the time of its near-failure, Bear Stearns had a capital cushion well above what is required to meet supervisory standards calculated using the Basel framework and the Federal Reserve’s “well-capitalized” standard for bank holding companies.

The fact that these standards did not provide adequate warning of the near-collapse of Bear Stearns, and indeed the fact that the Basel standards did not prevent the failure of many other banks and financial institutions, is now obvious. It was not so apparent before March of this year. Prior to that time, neither the CSE program nor any regulatory approach used by commercial or investment bank regulators in the U.S., or anywhere in the world, was based on the assumption that secured funding, even when backed by high-quality collateral, could become completely unavailable. Nor did regulators or firms use risk scenarios based on a total meltdown of the U.S. mortgage market. That is why, in March of this year, I formally requested that the Basel Committee address the inadequacy of the capital and liquidity standards in light of this experience. The SEC is helping to lead this revision of international standards through our work with the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, the Senior Supervisors Group, the Financial Stability Forum, and the International Organization of Securities Commissions.

Third, both as SEC Chairman and as a Member of Congress, knowing what I know now, I would have wanted to work even more energetically with all of you to close the most dangerous regulatory gaps. I would have urged Congress to repeal the swaps loophole in the 2000 Commodity Futures Modernization Act. As you know, in this bipartisan law passed by a Republican Congress and signed by President Clinton, Congress specifically prohibited the Commission from regulating swaps in very precise language. Indeed, enacting this loophole eight years ago was a course urged upon us in Congress by no less than the SEC Chairman and the President’s Working Group at the time. We now know full well the damage that this regulatory black hole has caused.

The unprecedented $85 billion government rescue of AIG, necessitated in substantial part by others’ exposure to risk on its credit default swaps, is but one of several recent alarms. As significant as AIG’s $440 billion in credit default swaps were, they represented only 0.8% of the $55 trillion in credit default swap exposure outstanding. That amount of unregulated financial transactions is more than the GDP of every nation on earth, combined. Last month, I formally asked the Congress to fill this regulatory gap, and I urge this Committee to join in that effort.

Fourth, I would have worked even more aggressively than I have over the last two years for legislation requiring stronger disclosure to investors in municipal securities. Now that the credit crisis has reached the state and local level, investors need to know what they own.

This multi-trillion dollar market entails many of the same risks and is subject to the same abuses as other parts of the capital markets. Individual investors own nearly two-thirds of municipal securities, directly or through funds, and yet neither the SEC nor any federal regulator has the authority to protect investors by insisting on full disclosure. The problems in Jefferson County, Alabama are only the most recent reminder of what can go wrong. The multi-billion dollar fraud in the City of San Diego, in which we charged five former City employees this past year, has injured investors and taxpayers alike. The economic slowdown will now make it even harder for many states and localities to meet their obligations. Many municipalities continue to use interest rate swaps in ways that expose them to the risk that the financial institution on the other side of the derivatives contract may fail.

That is why, repeatedly over the last two years, I have asked Congress to give the SEC the authority to bring municipal finance disclosure at least up to par with corporate disclosure. Knowing what we now know, I would have begun this campaign on my first day on the job.

Even more important than what I would have wanted to do differently in the past is what we can do together in the future to make sure that this astonishing harm to the economy is not repeated. The work that you are doing in this hearing and others like it this month is helping to build the foundation for the modernization of financial services regulation. What was formerly viewed as an opportunity for improvement sometime in the future has become absolutely essential now.

We have learned that voluntary regulation does not work. Whereas in 1999 the Chairman of the SEC could testify before the House on Gramm-Leach-Bliley that he “strongly supports the ability of U.S. broker-dealers to voluntarily subject their activities to supervision on a holding company basis,” experience has taught that regulation must be mandatory, and it must be backed by statutory authority. It was a fateful mistake in the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act that neither the SEC nor any regulator was given the statutory authority to regulate investment bank holding companies other than on a voluntary basis.

To fully understand why this is so begins with an appreciation for the enormous difference between an investment bank and an investment bank holding company. The holding company in the case of Lehman Brothers, for example, consisted of over 200 significant subsidiaries. The SEC was not the statutory regulator for 193 of them. There were over-the-counter derivatives businesses, trust companies, mortgage companies, and offshore banks, broker-dealers, and reinsurance companies. Each of these examples I have just described falls far outside of the SEC’s regulatory jurisdiction. What Congress did give the SEC authority to regulate was the broker-dealers, investment companies, and investment adviser subsidiaries within these conglomerates.

When I ended the Consolidated Supervised Entities program earlier this year, it was in recognition of the fact that this short-lived experiment in reviewing the consolidated information for these vast global businesses that could opt in and out of the program did not work. Throughout its 74-year history, the SEC has done an outstanding job of regulating registered broker-dealers, and protecting their customers. The SEC’s investor protection role has consistently been vindicated when financial institutions fail: for example, following the bankruptcies of Drexel Burnham Lambert and more recently Lehman Brothers, customers’ cash and securities have been protected because they were segregated from the firms’ other business. They have also been covered by insurance from the Securities Investor Protection Corporation.

But prior to the Federal Reserve’s unprecedented decision to provide funding for the acquisition of Bear Stearns, neither the Fed, the SEC, nor any agency had as its mission the protection of the viability or profitability of a particular investment bank holding company. Indeed, it has been a fact of life in Wall Street’s history that investment banks can and will fail. Wall Street is littered with the names of distinguished institutions — E.F. Hutton, Drexel Burnham Lambert, Kidder Peabody, Salomon Brothers, Bankers Trust, to name just a few — which placed big bets and lost, and as a result ended up either in bankruptcy or being sold to save themselves. Not only is it not a traditional mission of the SEC to regulate the safety and soundness of diversified financial conglomerates whose activities range far beyond the securities realm, but Congress has given this mission to no agency of government.

The lesson in this for legislators is threefold.

First, eliminate the current regulatory gap in which there is no statutory regulator for investment bank holding companies. This problem has been temporarily addressed by changes in the market, with the largest investment banks converting to bank holding companies, but it still needs to be addressed in the law.

Second, recognize each agency’s core competencies. The mission of the SEC is investor protection, the maintenance of fair and orderly markets, and the facilitation of capital formation. In strengthening the role of the SEC, build on these traditional strengths — law enforcement, public company disclosure, accounting and auditing, and the regulation of exchanges, broker-dealers, investment advisers, and other securities entities and products. The vitally important function of securities regulation is best executed by specialists with decades of tradition and experience.

Third, ensure that securities regulation and enforcement remain fiercely independent. This point bears emphasis. Strong securities regulation and enforcement requires an arm’s-length relationship, and the SEC’s sturdy independence from the firms and persons it regulates is unique. For example, banks regulated by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York elect six of the nine seats on the Board of the New York Fed; both the CEOs of J.P. Morgan Chase and Lehman Brothers served on the New York Fed board at the beginning of the credit crisis. In contrast, the SEC’s regulation and enforcement is completely institutionally independent. Not only the current crisis, but the significant corporate scandals such as Enron and WorldCom earlier this decade, have amply demonstrated the need for such independent, strong securities regulation and enforcement. That is why an independent SEC will remain as important in the future as ever it has been before.

Communication and coordination among regulators serving distinct but equally important purposes must also be a priority for regulatory reform. During my Chairmanship, the SEC has initiated Memoranda of Understanding with the CFTC, the Federal Reserve, and the Department of Labor, and we are working on an agreement with the Department of the Treasury. The fact that these agreements are necessary highlights the importance of better information flows among regulators, to communicate meaningful information sooner. But instead of ad hoc arrangements, an overarching statutory scheme that anticipates and addresses these needs would represent fundamental improvement. Through the sharing of market surveillance information, position reporting, and current economic data, federal regulators could get a more comprehensive picture of capital flows, liquidity, and risk throughout the system.

There is another reason that a new, overarching statutory scheme is necessary. The current regulatory system is a hodge-podge of divided responsibility and regulatory seams. Coordination among regulators is enormously difficult in this fragmented arrangement, where each of them implements different statutes that treat various financial products and services differently. Today’s balkanized regulatory system undermines the objectives of getting results and ensuring accountability.

The remarkably rapid pace of change in the global capital markets has also placed new importance on international coordination. American investors simply cannot be protected any longer without help from fellow regulators in other jurisdictions, because so much of the fraud directed at investors today is international in scope. In recent years the Commission has entered into law enforcement and regulatory cooperation agreements with securities regulators in Europe (including London, Paris, and Brussels), Ottawa, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Beijing, New Delhi, Mexico City, and elsewhere that promote collaboration, information sharing, and cross-border enforcement.

We have all witnessed over the past weeks the connections between financial markets around the world. The same phenomena affecting our markets are roiling markets abroad. Regulators in other countries are also under many of the same pressures as those of us here. While our existing cooperation agreements are helping to protect investors in the current circumstances, the new administration must open negotiations on a new global framework for regulations and standards.

Perhaps the most important change to the marketplace in recent years, from the standpoint of investor protection, is the enormous growth in financial products that exist wholly outside the regulatory system. We simply cannot leave unregulated such products as credit default swaps, which can be used as synthetic substitutes for regulated securities, and which can have profound and even manipulative effects on regulated markets. The risk is too great.

Across the board, other regulatory anomalies cry out for rationalization: outdated laws that treat broker-dealers dramatically differently from investment advisers, futures differently from economically equivalent securities, and derivatives as something other than investment vehicles or insurance. Now is the time to make sense of this confusing landscape. But doing so will require enormous leadership from the Congress.

There are two main reasons that our regulatory system has grown into the current dysfunctional patchwork, and one of them is traceable to the organization of Congress itself.

The first is that our laws are relatively ancient, at least from the standpoint of today’s modern markets. They were crafted mainly in the 1930s and 40s. The speed of change in the financial marketplace has only accelerated the divergence of the legal framework and reality. Regulation has embroidered a semblance of modernity onto this outdated framework, but it has not been enough to keep up.

The second is that legislative jurisdiction in both the House and the Senate is split so that banking, insurance, and securities fall within the province of the Financial Services and Banking Committees, while futures fall within the domain of the Agriculture Committees in each chamber. This jurisdictional split threatens to forever stand in the way of rationalizing the regulation of these products and markets.

I know from experience how difficult it will be to challenge the jurisdictional status quo. But the Congress has overcome jurisdictional divides in urgent circumstances before. Appointing a Select Committee, with representation from each of the existing standing committees with responsibility for financial services regulation, is a model that has worked well. As you know, I chaired such a Committee for two years after 9-11, following which the House created the permanent Homeland Security Committee with oversight jurisdiction over the new Department of Homeland Security. A Select Committee on Financial Services Regulatory Reform could cut across the existing jurisdictional boundaries and address these urgent questions from a comprehensive standpoint.

As the Congress undertakes a top-to-bottom review and reassessment of the federal framework for regulation of our financial markets, we must not fall prey to the age-old response of fighting the last war. If we continue to do what we were doing, and just do more of it, we will undoubtedly repeat history. I remember working in the White House in 1987, helping to determine how to respond to a 25% drop in the markets in one day. I see the very real similarities to current events — institutions borrowing short and lending long, housing bubbles in California and Florida, pressure to change accounting rules to give savings and loans time to right their balance sheets. The nation subsequently spent upwards of $150 billion to clean up the wreckage.

While the nation learned much in 1987, and Congress made some constructive changes in regulation, people and institutions too quickly fell back into old habits in old ways. We read now with disappointment the history of regulatory turf battles and missed opportunities, of old-fashioned greed and misguided economic incentives, of regulations that either failed or had unintended consequences.

It is time to think anew. We should begin with a clear-eyed view of the purpose of our capital markets. The financial system administered by Wall Street institutions exists to raise money for productive enterprise and millions of jobs throughout our economy, and to help put the savings of millions of Americans to work in our economy. It should not be an end in itself — a baroque cathedral of complexity dedicated to limitless compensation for itself in the short-term, paid for with long-term risk capable of threatening the entire nation’s sustenance and growth. Transparency has been sorely lacking from enormous swaths of our market. It should by now be abundantly clear that risk in the system which cannot be clearly identified can neither be priced nor effectively disciplined by the market. And it can no longer be tolerated.

In redesigning the regulatory structure, we should also bear in mind the advantages of market forces over government decision-making in allocating scarce resources — including capital — throughout an economy as vast as America’s, as well as what we can and cannot leave to the market alone. Government intervention, taxpayer assumption of risk, and short-term forestalling of failure must not be a permanent fixture of our financial system.

Addressing the Current Crisis

These are some of the regulatory lessons learned during this crisis, and some of the future opportunities. But just as important as reflecting on what could have been done in the past and what should be done in the future is actually dealing with the current emergency. While other federal and state agencies are legally responsible for regulating mortgage lending and the credit markets, the SEC has taken the following decisive actions to address the extraordinary challenges caused by the current credit crisis:

We have worked on a number of fronts to improve transparency, including using our new authority under the Credit Rating Agency Reform Act to expose weaknesses in the ratings process and to develop strong new rules.

We gave guidance on how financial institutions can give fuller disclosure to investors, particularly with respect to hard-to-value assets.

We have worked closely with the Financial Accounting Standards Board to deal with such issues as consolidation of off-balance sheet liabilities, the application of fair value standards to inactive markets, and the accounting treatment of bank support for money market funds.

We are in the midst of conducting a Congressionally-mandated 90-day study of the impacts of fair value accounting on financial firms in the current crisis.

We have initiated examinations of the effectiveness of broker-dealers’ controls on preventing the spread of false information.

We have required disclosures of short positions to the SEC, complementing the existing requirements for reporting of long positions.

We have adopted a package of measures to strengthen investor protections against naked short selling, including rules requiring a hard T+3 close-out, eliminating the options market maker exception of Regulation SHO and expressly targeting fraud in short selling transactions.

We are working with firms in the private sector to speed the development of one or more central counterparties, clearance and settlement systems, and trading platforms for credit default swaps, as an operational step toward bringing this unregulated finance into the sunlight. This work is being closely coordinated with the CFTC and the Federal Reserve.

Beyond all of this, the SEC is first and foremost a law enforcement agency. During the market turmoil of the last several months, the professional men and women of the SEC have been working around the clock, seven days a week, to bring accountability to the marketplace and to see to it that the rules against fraud and unfair dealing are rigorously enforced.

In the fiscal year just ended, the SEC’s Enforcement Division brought the second-highest number of cases in the agency’s history. For the second year in a row, the Commission returned over $1 billion to injured investors. In the last few months, our Enforcement Division successfully negotiated agreements in principle to obtain $50 billion in immediate relief for investors in auction rate securities after these markets seized up. Every one of these cases, when finalized, will set a record for the largest settlements in the history of the SEC, by far.

The agency has been especially aggressive at combating fraud that has contributed to the subprime crisis and the loss of confidence in our markets. We have over 50 pending law enforcement investigations in the subprime area. Most recently, the Commission charged five California stockbrokers with securities fraud for pushing homeowners into risky and unsustainable subprime mortgages, and then fraudulently selling them securities that were paid for with the mortgage proceeds. We have brought fraud charges against the managers of two Bear Stearns hedge funds in connection with last year’s collapse of those funds. And we have brought the first-ever case against a trader for spreading knowingly false information designed to drive down the price of stock.

The Division of Enforcement is currently in the midst of a nationwide investigation of potential fraud and manipulation of securities in some of the nation’s largest financial institutions through means including abusive short selling and the intentional spreading of false information.

As part of this aggressive law enforcement, the Commission approved orders requiring hedge funds, broker-dealers and institutional investors to file statements under oath regarding trading and market activity in the securities of financial firms. The orders cover not only equities but also credit default swaps. To assist in analyzing this information, the SEC’s Office of Information Technology is working with the Enforcement Division to create a common database of trading information, of audit trail data, and of credit default swaps clearing data. Our Office of Economic Analysis is also supporting this effort by helping to analyze the data across markets for possible manipulative patterns in both equity securities and derivatives.

In the days ahead we will continue to work to bring to justice those who have violated the law, and to help mitigate the effects of the credit crisis on investors and our markets.

Mr. Chairman, the role of the SEC has never been more important. The several thousand men and women who have devoted themselves to law enforcement and the protection of investors, markets, and capital formation represent this nation’s finest. The last several months have been difficult for the country and for our markets, but this adversity has brought out the best in the people with whom I work. Every day, the staff of the SEC devote themselves with passion to protecting America’s investors and ensuring that our capital markets remain strong. I am humbled to work side-by-side with them.

Thank you for the opportunity to discuss the role of the SEC in our financial system, and the lessons from the current crisis for fundamental regulatory reform in the future. I am happy to answer any questions you may have.

Hedge Fund PIPE Transactions

What are PIPE transactions?

The SEC has defined a PIPE transaction as follows:

“PIPE” stands for “private investment in public equity.” In a PIPE offering, investors commit to purchase a certain number of restricted shares from a company at a specified price. The company agrees, in turn, to file a resale registration statement so that the investors can resell the shares to the public. To the extent that they increase the supply of a company’s stock in the market, PIPE offerings can potentially dilute the value of existing shares.  (Source)

Hedge Fund Investments – PIPE transactions

PIPE transactions can be a part of a hedge fund investment strategy and in some cases a whole investment strategy. Generally hedge fund managers who focus on PIPE investments are hoping for a large exit strategy such as a reverse merger or a public offering.  Such managers have experience in the PIPE space and have concluded many PIPE transactions.

For such hedge fund managers, there are many considerations with regard to these investments including:

Structure – hedge fund managers who invest in PIPEs can be very creative when it comes to the structure of their hedge fund.  The fund can be structured as a private equity fund, a normal hedge fund or a combination.  A manager should discuss the options with his attorney.

Side Pocket Investments – based on the structure of the fund, the manager may want to institute side pocket investments.  Side pocket investments allow a manager to segregate certain illiquid or hard to value assets until a disposition of the asset.  A side pocket investment would be more likely in a normal hedge fund or a combination fund.  Many PIPE hedge funds have side pocket investments.

Lock-up – because of the recent market volatility and the rush for redemptions, many managers are re-examining their lock-up periods.  For hedge funds with investments in illiquid securities, this is especially important from a cash management perspective.  The manager should spend some time discussing the lock-up with the attorney; the lock-up should generally be a little longer than the expected time horizon of the investments.  For example, if the fund will make PIPE investments which is expected to have an 18 month duration then the lock-up should not be only a year.

Investment program – the manager will need to define the areas and limits of the investment program in the offering documents.  While broad and vague investment programs have generally been acceptable, it is likely that investors are going to want to know more specifics of the program going forward.  The manager will want to describe what types of companies it will invest in, what types of securities it will recieve (common stock, warrants, and convertible instruments), what the manager looks for in a potential company/ management team, what is the expected duration of the investment, among other items.  Of course the manager should include a component dealing with its risk management procedures as well.

Fee range – generally PIPE investments will follow the standard fee range for hedge funds.  The manager may choose to institute a higher management fee.  Additionally, thought should be given to the fund’s expenses in making investments.

Risks and Other Considerations for PIPE hedge funds

Liquidity – the PIPE securities which the hedge fund owns are not liquid.  Accordingly the hedge fund manager will need to closely manage the hedge fund’s cash.  While manager used to be able to rely on some sort of credit facility to take care of the fund’s cash management needs, this is not as likely to be the case in the tight credit markets today.

Valuation – like many hedge fund strategies the central concern for hedge funds with a PIPE program is going to be valuation.  The fund will hold some of the more illiquid assets – restricted securities which cannot be sold for a certain amount of time.  As with other programs with liquidity issues, the basic methods of valuation include: (1) book value; (2) outside valuation agent; or (3) by formula. There are advantages and disadvantages to each one of these methods and if you need to have a valuation methodology your lawyer will be able to help you to decide on one of theses methods.  A manager should also discuss the valuation with the administrator and the auditor as well.

Contractual risk – there is a risk that the underlying company would not honor the contractual provisions of the PIPE transaction.  In such a case it is likely that a hedge fund would seek to enforce its contractual rights through the court system which is both time consuming and expensive.

Regulatory risks – there are various regulatory risks associated with PIPE investments.  Central is an investigation into the PIPE transaction by the SEC.  As discussed in greater depth below, the SEC is very interested in PIPE transactions. There is also the risk that, as a reseller of securities, the fund may deemed to be an underwriter which would subject it to further regulation – the hedge fund manager and attorney should discuss this issue.

Due Diligence – the fund managers must conduct research and due diligence on the underlying company.  This type of research is typically more involved than many hedge fund investing strategies.  If the manager will be conducting in-person reviews of the company and the company’s management team, the manager should discuss this with the hedge fund attorney so that the offering documents explicitly state that such expenses be paid by the fund instead of the management company.

SEC on PIPE transactions

The SEC has taken many enforcement actions over the years on PIPE transactions.  Hedge fund managers should be especially aware of this because the SEC is on the lookout and the fines are stiff.  Below are a few of the many actions the SEC has taken to stop abusive PIPE transactions:

SEC v. Deephaven Capital Management, LLC (release)

In this case a hedge fund manager traded on insider information.  The manager received information that a PIPE transaction would be announced and sold short the publicly traded securities of the company.  When the PIPE transaction was announced, the stock went lower and the fund made large gains.  The manager had to disgorge the profits and was subject to a fine.

SEC v. Joseph J. Spiegel (release)

This case represents a classic PIPE case – the hedge fund manager agreed to participate in a PIPE transaction and then sold the company’s stock short, against representations that he would not.  When the restricted stock became unrestricted, he used this stock to cover his previous short.  The manager had to pay a fine and was also barred from association with any investment advisor for five years.

SEC v. Jeanne M. Rowzee, James R. Halstead, and Robert T. Harvey (release)

In this case fraudsters promoted investments in PIPE transactions but never invested the money and instead spent lavishly on themselves.  In classic Ponzi Scheme fashion, the fraudsters solicited new investors to pay off the original investors.

As always, please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.  Additional resources which relate to this post include:

Hedge Fund Analyst Fined for Insider PIPE Trading

According to a SEC litigation release, a hedge fund analyst was fined $317,000 for engaging in insider trading with regard to a PIPE investment.  PIPE transactions are subject to close scrutiny from the SEC.  In this instance the fund which the analyst worked for established a short position in a company which was completing a PIPE transaction.  Evidently the reason the fund established the short was because of inside information about the deal from the analyst.  The SEC release can be found here.

Litigation Release No. 20784 / October 20, 2008
SEC v. Brian D. Ladin et al., Civil Action No. 1:08-CV-01784 (RBW) (D.D.C.)

SEC Charges Former Hedge Fund Analyst with Improper Trading

The Securities and Exchange Commission today charged Brian D. Ladin, a former analyst for Bonanza Master Fund Ltd. (“Bonanza”), a Dallas-based hedge fund, with improper trading in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. Ladin, without admitting or denying the allegations in the Commission’s complaint, agreed to settle charges that he engaged in unlawful insider trading in connection with a 2004 “PIPE” (an acronym for private investment in public equity) offering conducted by Radyne Comstream Inc. As detailed below, Ladin agreed to entry of a final judgment imposing an injunction and ordering him to pay $330,427, consisting of $13,427 in disgorgement and prejudgment interest and a $317,000 civil penalty.

The Commission’s complaint alleges, among other things, that Ladin accepted a duty to keep the offering information confidential. The Complaint further alleges that Ladin, on the basis of the material, non-public PIPE information, presented an investment in Radyne to Bonanza, resulting in Bonanza establishing a 100,000 share short position in Radyne stock. The Commission’s complaint further alleges that Ladin, in signing the offering’s stock purchase agreement on behalf of Bonanza, represented that Bonanza did not hold a short position in Radyne common stock when he knew, or was reckless or negligent in not knowing, that Bonanza held a short position in Radyne’s common stock.

Ladin consented to the entry of a final judgment (i) permanently enjoining him from future violations of Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 10b-5 thereunder, and Section 17(a) of the Securities Act of 1933; (ii) ordering him to pay $10,895 in disgorgement, along with $2,532 in prejudgment interest thereon; and (iii) ordering him to pay a $317,000 civil penalty. Bonanza and its investment adviser, Bonanza Capital, Ltd., consented to the entry of a final judgment ordering them, as relief defendants, to pay a total of $371,429 in ill-gotten gains derived from Ladin’s unlawful conduct (and prejudgment interest thereon).

For more information on this subject, please see:

  • Hedge Funds and PIPE Transactions

If you have any questions, please contact us.

How to Register as an Investment Advisor

Many hedge fund managers come from brokerage firms or other investment advisory firms and may, accordingly, have some of the FINRA licenses like a Series 7 or a Series 65.  However, most managers have not registered an as investment advisor and do not understand the process.  This guide is designed to familiarize managers with the  investment advisor registration process.

Investment Advisor Compliance Firm

First, you will want to find a firm that will help you through the process of registering as an investment advisor.  A hedge fund lawyer or a hedge fund compliance firm (usually consisting of former SEC or state securities commission examiners) will be able to help you with this process. Potential investment advisors should not try to go through the registration process by themselves – it will take too much time and subject the advisor to potential liability.


The manager can register as an investment advisor with the SEC or the state securities commission of the state in which the manager resides.  The manager should have a conversation with the lawyer or complaice firm regarding the pros and cons of the registration with the SEC or state.  Generally, however, a manager will only be able to register with the SEC if the manager has at least $25 million under management.


The costs should be the same for the advisor whether they go with a hedge fund lawyer or with a compliance firm.  Generally, for state-registered investment advisers, the professional fees run anywhere from $2,500-$3,500 for the registration.  For SEC-registered investment advisors, the professional fees will run anywhere from $4,000 to $8,000 depending on the complexity of the investment advisory firm.
The above costs are service provider fees and do not include the fees an investment advisor firm will pay to the state of residence of the investment advisor.  Such fees will generally include the following:

  • IA firm registration fee (State registered IAs only)
  • IA representative fee
  • Form U-4 fee
  • Notice filing fee (SEC registered IAs only)
  • Other miscellaneous fees


The manager who is registering to be an investment advisor will typically need to have taken and passed the Series 65 exam within the two years prior to registration.  Most all states will also allow managers to register if they have the Series 7 exam and the Series 66 exam.  Since most managers who have the Series 7 will not have the Series 66, the managers will need to take this exam.

Additionally, most states will not require a manager to have any of the above exams if they have one of the following designations

  • Chartered Financial Planner (CFP);
  • Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC);
  • Personal Financial Specialist (PFS);
  • Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA); or
  • Chartered Investment Counselor (CIC).


The investment advisor will need to complete a wide variety of forms during the registration process.  These forms include:

IARD entitlement Forms – “IARD” stands for the Investment Adviser Registration Depository which is sponsored by the SEC and the NASAA (the association of state securities regulations, www.nasaa.org) but which is operated by FINRA.  As the IARD system is an online system, these forms need to be manually completed and processed by FINRA before you can begin the registration process.  The forms can be found here: IARD Entitlement Forms

Form ADV – this is the form which all investment advisors complete.  When a firm is registered with the SEC or the state, then the filings can be seen here by typing in the advisor’s name.  Please see Form ADV.  (HFLB note: we will have a detailed guide on Form ADV coming out soon.)

Form ADV Part II – this is the part of Form ADV which provides more information on the advisor’s activities.  It is sometimes refered to as the investment advisory “brochure.”  Please see Form ADV Part II.  (HFLB note: we will have a detailed guide on Form ADV Part II coming out soon.)

Form U4 – this form will need to be completed for all members of the firm which will be investment advisor representatives.  If such members have been in the securities industry for a while, they will likely already have a U4 on file with FINRA.  (HFLB note: we will have a detailed guide on Form ADV Part II coming out soon.)

Registration Timeline

Your compliance provider will be able to help you determine how long it will take to become registered as an investment advisor.  Generally SEC registration will be quicker than state registration and many times registration can be completed within 2 to 4 weeks.

State registration is more difficult to determine and will depend on the state of registration.  A state like California may take 6 to 8 weeks.  A state like South Carolina will take about 2 weeks, it just depends and you should discuss this issue with your compliance provider if the registration is time sensitive.

Other helpful articles include:

Please contact us if you would like to register your firm as an investment advisor or if you have any questions on the above.

Hedge Fund Side Letters

The side letter is one of the most important items for a hedge fund manager.  While the hedge fund will run pursuant to the terms of the hedge fund offering documents drafted, the side letter will give the manager some flexibility to go outside the terms of the documents for certain investors.

A hedge fund side letter is simply an agreement between the hedge fund manager and the investor that outlines different terms that will apply to the investor’s investment into the fund.  The side letter is drafted by the hedge fund attorney and will be signed by the investor at the same time that the investor signs the hedge fund subscription documents.

Overview of side letter provisions

Below are some of the reasons a hedge fund manager may use a side letter arrangement

Reduced Fees – the hedge fund manager will reduce or waive the management fees or performance fees for the investor.

Lock-up and liquidity – the hedge fund manager may reduce or waive the lock-up for a specific investor.  The manager may also allow for greater liquidity (i.e. monthly withdrawals instead of quarterly withdrawals).

Information – the manager may agree to provide an investor with greater informational rights such as the ability to request a description of the exact positions of the fund at any given time.

Most favored nation’s clause – this allows an investor to get the best deal that the manager gives to any other investor.  This clause is usually reserved for very large or very early investors.

There are many different ways which any of the above concepts can be implemented into the side letter and generally it will depend on the business points negotiated by the manager and the investor.  As an alternative to a hedge fund investment and side letter arrangement, an investor may simply enter into a separately managed account (known as a “SMA”) arrangement with the hedge fund manager.

Side letters and raising money for the hedge fund

The hedge fund side letter can be an important tool for raising assets.  Typically the letter will be used to entice early investors to invest in the fund; it can also be used to attract investors who will contribute a large amount of assets to the fund.  The side letter can also be used to try to get a current investor to contribute more assets to the fund.

What the SEC says about side letters

During the late part of 2007 and the early part of 2008, there was a lot of chatter within the hedge fund industry that the SEC would increase its investigation of hedge fund side letters.  Presumably they would have tried to accomplish this through audits of hedge fund managers registered as investment advisors.  While there was much concern within the industry at the time, that concern has subsided as the market events of 2008 began to take on greater importance.

Testimony from SEC regarding hedge fund side letters

The following comes from testimony by a SEC official to Congress regarding hedge funds and side letters:

Side Letter Agreements. Side letters are agreements that hedge fund advisers enter into with certain investors that give the investors more favorable rights and privileges than other investors receive. Some side letters address matters that raise few concerns, such as the ability to make additional investments, receive treatment as favorable as other investors, or limit management fees and incentives. Others, however, are more troubling because they may involve material conflicts of interest that can harm the interests of other investors. Chief among these types of side letter agreements are those that give certain investors liquidity preferences or provide them with more access to portfolio information. Our examination staff will review side letter agreements and evaluate whether appropriate disclosure of the side letters and relevant conflicts has been made to other investors.

ERISA considerations

Hedge funds which are ERISA hedge funds will need to be careful about their side letter activities and should always consult with their hedge fund attorney before entering into such arrangements.  Specifically, the Department of Labor is concerned about different informational rights, especially with regard to plans which have subordinated rights.

If you have any questions regarding side letters, please contact us.