Health Care and Hedge Funds

Obama Health Care Bill Increases Capital Gains Rate to 23.8%

According the this story by Bloomberg, the tax on dividends and long term capital gains under the Obama Health Care Bill will spike to 23.8% when the tax increases are fully implemented.  The article states:

Obama’s budget proposes to allow the existing 15 percent tax rate on dividends and capital gains to rise to 20 percent in 2011 for the same high-earners. Layering a 3.8 percent Medicare tax on top of that would mean a new top rate on dividends and capital gains of 23.8 percent. The top tax rates on interest and rental income would rise to as high as about 44 percent, assuming other Obama tax increases on high-earners are enacted.

It will be interesting to see how the investment management industry will react to this 50% increase in taxes on dividends and capital gains.

NFA CPO/CTA Regulatory Seminar Recap

by Bart Mallon, Esq. of Cole-Frieman & Mallon LLP

On March 2, 2010 the NFA held an all-day seminar at the UBS Conference Center in Chicago for the futures and commodities communities.  With limited exceptions, the seminar provided useful information and allowed the audience to interact with the regulators directly through Q&A opportunities or by networking during the break periods.  This overview will provide a quick summary of the major items discussed and the notes I took during the day.  Full supporting materials for each session have been posted on the NFA’s website and the NFA will provide an audio CD of the seminar upon request.

Session One: The Current State of CPO/CTA Regulation

This session may have been mis-named as it focused solely on the potential changes with respect to the broader financial system.  Accordingly, much attention was (needlessly) focused on some of the proposed bills pending in the House and Senate (which may or may not ever become law).  After discussing the proposed bills in general, the panel moved to the proposed legislation with respect to the OTC derivatives markets (see CFTC thoughts on OTC derivatives regulation and Chairman Gensler’s Recent OTC regulation remarks).  Brief mention was also made regarding the CFTC proposal to limit energy positions.  A large part of the session was also devoted to issues dealing with harmonization between the CFTC and the SEC, which naturally included a discussion of the OTC derivites markets.

What did any of this have to do with CPO/CTA regulation as the title of the seminar indicates?

Not a lot, but the session did give the NFA a chance to frame some of the issues for the day and show that the mandate of the CFTC and NFA is broad.  Surprisingly, the panel did not even mention one of the major proposed regulations which would affect a large number of CPOs/CTAs (and bring many more firms under the CFTC’s jurisdiction) – that issue was the proposed retail forex regulations.

When the panel was asked about the proposed forex regulations the NFA’s Dan Driscol mentioned a couple of interesting things.  First, the NFA has been proceeding under the assumption that the forex registration rules will pass and that a large number of forex managers will need to be registered with the CFTC.  Accorindingly, the NFA has been building out its systems and apparently there is some sort of way for the NFA to earmark which firms are forex firms (perhaps for greater oversight).  The NFA also believes that during the registration process there is going to be a lot of hand holding, but also a lot of enforecment actions.

With respect other parts of the proposal, especially with respect to the increased margin requirements (100:1 leverage will move to 10:1 leverage under the proposed regulations), the NFA indicated that it will be providing the CFTC with a comment letter addressing its thoughts (see NFA Indicates Support for Greater Leverage).  Specifically the NFA indicated that they believe margin requirements should be based on the volatility of the underlying instrument (here, the major currencies).  While the NFA is not going to take a hard stance, the NFA is expected to provide the CFTC with more information on its experiences with respect to the margin requirements.  The comment period for the retail forex proposal ends on March 22 so we will report on the NFA’s comments when they are available.  [Note: Cole-Frieman & Mallon LLP will be providing comments on the proposed rules.]

Session Two: Disclosure Document and Performance Reporting

As all CTAs and CPOs probably have experienced, having a disclosure document reviewed and approved by the NFA can be an aggravating experience.  Notwithstanding my own opinions on this issue, the panel started by discusing the 4.13 exemptions.  The panel noted that the CFTC’s Part 4 regulations require very specific items from disclosure documents.  Generally most CTAs and CPOs are familiar with the more important parts – risk disclosures and risk factors, conflict of interests and fee information.

The lawyer on the panel made the case for overdisclosure – the framework which managers should use when thinking about the disclosure documents is that of an opposing counsel in the future.  In the event that something would go wrong in the future, what in your disclosure documents would opposing counsel point to?  Is there anything which you would be embarrassed about if it was brought before the jury?  Is there anything that is simply misstated or omitted?  These are the types of things that opposing lawyers would point to during a lawsuit and therefor all managers (whether registered or not) should always make sure anything they give to investors is accurate and discloses all material information.

The panel began in earnest by talking about common comments on disclosure documents.

Common comments

  • Forex. Under principal risk factors many forex managers have risk factors which have been modified from futures disclosure documents.  However, the futures and forex industries operate different therefore there is not the issue with clearing.  Also forex transactions are structured different than for futures transactions and therefore the cost structure is different.  [New NFA Rule 2-41.  Forex risk disclosure statement needs to be exactly as stated in the rule.]
  • Litigation statement. The litigiation needs to be up to date.  Many FCMs will continually update their litigation disclosure statement and if the most recent statement is not in the disclosure documents the NFA will check and will let you know in the deficiency letter that it needs to be updated.
  • Bios/manager background. It is a requirement for the managers bios to be included and the manager must include the dates of all employment (including unemployment or schooling) for the preceeding five years.  This means both month and date needs to be included.  Managers need to make sure the dates in the bio match with the dates in the Form 8R.

Litigation Statements

CTAs and CPOs are required to provide the litigation history for the firm and, more importantly, for the FCM and IB.  These litigation disclosures are dense paragraphs of legalese which is designed to inform the investor of the potential legal issues with the FCM or IB.  In practice these disclosures end up being pages long and, in my experience, are practically unreadable which brings up the question of their utility and if such disclosures really protect investors.

Notwithstanding the above, it is a requirement and CTAs and CPOs need to make sure that the ligitation statement is complete, accurate and up to date.  Firms should also realize that the litigation statement may change during the review process which is what happened recently to one of my clients.  The disclosure document received no comments from NFA staff except that the litigation statement for the firm’s FCM had just changed days earlier and would need to be updated.  This needlessly added weeks to client’s start date.

CTA and CPO Documents “Not Boilerplate”

The attorney on the panel stressed that disclosure documents are not boilerplate, no matter how similar they may appear.  He went on to note that there is a lot of detail in the documents and that it is essentially a manager’s contract with the investors.  He stressed that managers should know and understand every detail of their documents.  I completely agree.

One of the employees of a large CFTC registered firm noted that the manager needs to make sure that the disclosure document accurately reflects the way that business is conducted in the firm.  Managers should ask operational personnel to review the document to make sure the language captures the manner in which the firm operates – if there are discrepencies between the document and operational procedures, the document should be amended or revised.

Performance Capsules

There are a number of issues which arise in the context of performance capsules and therefore a firm must take care to make sure that the capsule mirrors the NFA requirements exactly.

Break-Even Analysis

Every CTA or CPO disclosure document needs to include a break-even analysis.  Generally this analysis will show a prospective investor or client the amount of gains necessary in order to break-even on the investment.  Naturally the break-even analysis is an inexact science and, therefore, it is arguably of little value.  For instance, the numbers in the table (at least for a newly registered CTA or CPO) are based on assumptions with respect to both level of assets as well as expected trading volume.

While there was no single or common issue discussed with regard to the break-even analysis, the NFA noted that for those managers which allocate or invest in underlying CTAs or CPOs, then the break-even analysis would also need to include the incentive fees payable at the underlying level.  The NFA went through the calculations involved with determining such expense.

Timing and Section 4.8

During the question and answer period, I asked the panel whether they often times see groups using the CFTC Regulation 4.8 exemption during the approval process.  I think that literally two or three of the representatives from the NFA said that they did not know what Regulation 4.8 was – I noticed that the attorney on the panel might have something to say and so I asked him if his clients had used it.  He explained Regulation 4.8 and noted that he did not recommend clients use it because it is awkward to go back to pool investors and explain the issue.

The NFA took the opportunity to say that managers should allow plenty of time to go through the registration process.

Session Three: Pool Financial Reporting

There were essentially two parts to this presentation: a discussion of the new reporting requirements for the NFA and a discussion on fair value and derivatives.

For the first part, Tracey Hunt of the NFA provided information on some of the new reporting changes for CFTC registered firms.  These include issues devoted to series funds, relaxed rules regarding liquidation statements, an extension for fund of fund filers.

Perhaps more importantly for many of the groups at the conference was the discussion of new NFA Rule 2-46 and a presentation of the reporting systems for the rule.  Rule 2-46 essentially requires certain operators who have reporting requirements under CFTC Regulation 4.22 to make a quarterly filing through the NFA’s EasyFile system.  CPOs will need to provide the NFA with the following information within 45 days of the end of the calendar quarter:

  1. Key Relationships – pool administrators, carrying brokers, trading managers, custodians
  2. Statement of Changes in NAV
  3. Monthly Rates of Return
  4. Schedule of Investments – all pool investments greater than 10% of fund NAV need to be disclosed (even if the positions are not futures/commodities)

We were provided with screen shots of the new filing system and it seemed both robust and complicated.  The NFA has noted that they have spent a lot of time to update their EasyFile system to accomodate the filers.  Even so, we believe their are likely to be bugs in the system and so we recommend that groups begin the EasyFile system as soon as possible to avoid missing the deadline because of technical issues. The system will have functionality to allow for many of the fields to populate automatically based on previous submissions.  There are also some specialized issues with respect to master-feeder and fund of fund structures – generally the system will require you to keep drilling down until you reach the actual investments, no matter how many organizational layers are in the structure.

The second part of the discussion included a powerpoint slide from Deloitte discussing new issues with financial reporting.  Essentially differences between level 2 and level 3 assets.

Keynote Speech from CFTC Commissioner Dunn

During lunch, which was actually quite nice, CFTC Commissioner Dunn delivered the keynote speech.  As all speakers from government agencies do, he noted that his comments were his own and not of the CFTC.  He spoke generally about the challenges facing the CFTC and that the issues are more complex than the issues the CFTC had to deal with in the past.  Additionally, with greater financial regulation looming, the CFTC’s job (in conjunction with the SEC in certain circumstances) has become even more important.

He also talked to varying degrees on the following issues:

  • The historic two day meeting between the SEC and the CFTC regarding harmonization
  • A potential uniform fiduciary duty for all investment advisers (or other groups under SEC and CFTC jurisdiction)
  • Potential future regulation of the OTC derivitatives markets – he noted his support of OTC derivitatives regulation and Chairman Gensler.  He did note, however, that there are many issues that would need to be worked out with any proposed legislation or regulation.  He also discussed the proposed position limits on certain energy contracts.
  • Retail forex and the large amount of comments which have been received.

Session Four: Sales Practices

Perhaps the most entertaining of the panel discussions was on sales practices.  The discussion was led by John J. Lothian who is well-known in the futures industry and created MarketsWiki.  John did a fantastic job of including all of the panelists which included Natalie Peters of DigiLog Capital LLC, and Dorothy Bobak and Alexandra Shipovskikh, both from the NFA.

Common Deficiencies

The NFA discussed the following common deficiencies:

  • websites often have many deficiencies including with the general disclaimer and ommissions –  it was stressed that the Member must be able to support all material statements of fact on the webiste
  • opinions should be clearly labeled as such
  • past trading performance will generllay have a lot of issues
  • general issue with stuff on third party websites – if you see something that is not correct, even if you did not place it there, you should ask the webmaster to revise or take it down.  a member may have some oversight responsibilities

Links from a Member’s Website

Generally a firm should have superviosry procedures in place for linking from a proprietary website to another unaffiliated website (note: Cole-Frieman & Mallon LLP generally recommends to clients that they do not link out to unrelated websites)

  • Members should make sure that outbound links adhere to requirements of NFA Rule 2-9 and NFA Rule 2-29
  • Member need to monitor outbound links through periodic review
  • With respect to reporting sites (i.e. AutumGold, Barclays) you need to make sure all of the information is accurate and all descriptions of the pool or trading program are complete.

Social Media

The NFA just recently amended Rule 2-29(h) and released a social media interpretive notice.  The new notice solidifies many of the principles of 2-9 and 2-29 but also deals with specific issues with sites like YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, blogs, etc.  Interestingly, the NFA announced that it has a Facebook page which is used for recruiting new staff members.

With respect to the new rule and different media, the following was discussed:

  • Twitter. How do you comply with 2-29 (disclaimer rule) within 140 characters?  The media is necessarily different than a trditional website with a disclaimer.  One way might be to format your Twitter page with a prominent disclaimer.  You will need to make sure that all of the material you tweet is balanced pursuant to the promotional materials rule.  There is always a potential problem with re-tweets.  With respect to re-tweets, a Member may have an affirmative duty to ask another person to take down the re-tweet (which request itself, presumably, would be subject to record keeping requirements).  Suggestion: use software to complie an archive of tweets.  If you remove a tweet, you still need to keep a record of that tweet.  The software should be able to provide a record of this.  A firm should have a policy regard re-tweets (both by the Member or of the Member’s content).
  • Facebook. Many groups have a Facebook page.  The question was whether a simple Facebook page with basic information would constitute “promotional material” – the NFA said maybe.  The next question would be whether the firm was “soliciting” by having a Facebook page. Suggestion: a firm should institute the same oversight policies and procedures for a Facebook page as they would for other promotional materials.
  • YouTube. As both an audio and a video platform, a YouTube video will generally be subject to NFA Rule 2-29(h).  Generally this will require that any audio or video advertisement be submitted to the NFA prior to use.  If a member has something that was on YouTube prior to Febuary  1 then the member should take it down immediately and submit the media to the NFA for review – this material is not grandfathered into the amended rule.  It sounded like the NFA will be looking at YouTube in the future to catch violations.
  • Other Mediums. Podcasts, blogs, forums, public wikis, and other forms of media all have medium specific issues which managers should discuss with counsel prior to displaying material which might be considered promotional material.

A firm which uses any of the mediums described above should have policies regarding education of employees on rules and responsibilities and appropriate oversight of the employees.  If you firm needs to implement such policies and procedures, Cole-Frieman & Mallon LLP can provide guidance.

How to submit materials

In the event that a firm is subject to Rule 2-29(h) and therefore required to pre-file advertising materials, those materials can be submitted to the NFA in any format including CD, email, zip files, etc.  In the context of live feeds, webinars, and seminars – the Member firm should submit an outline of what will be discussed prior to the live performance then submit an recording of the performance after it has happened.  Such procedures are generally what you would do if an associated person or principal appeared on live television like CNBC or Bloomberg TV.

Session Five: The NFA Audit Process

Maybe one of the most important things that a firm should be ready for is an NFA audit.  For many firms this is a painful process which causes anxiety, but for other firms, it might be an opportunity to get an outside review of back end business operations for “free.”  Regardless of how a group views an audit, the discussion was helpful in identifying areas where managers can focus their attention in order to make the audit go as quickly as possible.

Who gets audited by the NFA?

There are no good answer with respect to when a member firm may expect to be audited by the NFA.  In general FCMs and very large managers are likely to face NFA audits on a more regular basis.  Forex firms can also expect to be audited more regularly than traditional futures only firms.  Traditional CTAs and CPOs are under no timeline requirement so these groups might not see an audit for up to three years or longer.

Audit Process

Generally the NFA will alert a member firm 2-3 weeks prior to the exam.  This gives the firm plenty of time to gether the inital records and other items requested by the NFA prior to their arrival.  While the amount of information requested might seem to be enormous, a firm should attempt to comply with each item as this will decrease the amount of time the NFA will spend at your place of business.

The actual audit may take place over a day or be 2-3 days long.  Larger firms can expect the NFA to be on site for a week or longer.  The amount of time obviously depends on a number of factors including the size of the member firm and complexity of operations.  During the audit there will likely be a lot of interaction between the compliance officer and the auditor.  At the end of the audit they will provide the firm with a request list.

One of the most important items to keep in mind during the process is to keep open communication with the auditor.  If you believe that the NFA findings are incorrect, you should discuss the issue with the auditor – at times they may see your point of view and side with you.

NFA Self-Exam Checklist

The most import item for Member firms to complete on yearly basis is their annual self-exam.  Cole-Frieman & Mallon LLP has provided easy to use NFA self-examination checklists.  Generally firms will need to take time to complete these lists on an annual basis and will need to keep a record of these actions pursuant to the firm’s recordkeeping policies.

Focus Areas

  • General. General issues which often are reviewed include proper registration, review of promotional material, performance reporting, trading (make sure recommendations appropriate), supervision, etc.
  • Valuation. If there are level 2 or level 3 assets there is likely to be greater review; principals need to make sure they sign off on level 2 or level 3 valuations.
  • Side Letters. This is a new focus area and the focus here will be to make sure the manager is doing what he says he will do in the side letter
  • Side pockets. Valuation of assets is going to be a focus area.

Common Audit Deficiencies

  • Promotional material. Issues include ridiculous performance numbers, withholding information from previous accounts, inaccurate numbers, etc.
  • Bylaw 1101. Requires that, as a NFA Member Firm, you only do business with other NFA Member Firms or firms that do not need to be registered; firms should have procedures in place to make sure other firms are either registered or not required to be registered (especially in the fund of funds context).
  • Inconsistencies. Your disclosure documents and compliance manual/ policies and procedures should be an accurate reflection of your firm’s actual operations.
  • Bunched orders. If a CTA firm bunches client orders, the CTA must conduct a quarterly review to make sure allocations to client accounts are done in a non-preferential manner.
  • NFA Rule 2-45. No loans from the pool to the manager for own personal use (ex. manager taking money out of pool to pay off mortgage)

Other items

  • Firms should remember that they need to distribute a privacy policy to customers on a yearly basis (perhaps send it out with December statement).
  • Disaster recovery plan (DRP) should be reviewed at least annually.  The DRP should be resonable based on operations.  This is an area where the auditors do not pay as much attention to.
  • Firm need to have ethics training procedures.  Many of these procedures are boilerplate.  Firms should make sure they follow their internal procedures.
  • Creating folders, filing and other systems on the front end will help the firm to remain organized and will help to keep the audit moving as quickly as possible.

Future Seminars

If you are interested in other seminars and conferences, I recommend the New York CTA Expo on April 21 which Cole-Frieman & Mallon LLP is sponsoring.  Also, the NFA is having another CPO/CTA conference in New York on April 22.  If you are in the San Francisco Bay area, we would also like to extend an invitation to the San Francisco Futures Professionals group which meets every couple of months to discuss issues relevant to members.


Other related hedge fund law blog posts include:

Cole-Frieman & Mallon LLP ( provides comprehensive legal and compliance services to commodity trading advisors and pool operators.  You can reach Bart Mallon, Esq. directly at 415-868-5345.

NFA Announces Effective Date of New CPO Reporting Rule 2-46

First CPO Quarterly Report Due May 17, 2010

As we recently discussed in an earlier article on NFA Compliance Rule 2-46, the NFA has adopted a new compliance rule which will require commodity pool operators to provide certain information to the NFA on a quarterly basis.  In general CPOs will need to provide the NFA with the following information about their pool: the names of certain service providers/ counterparties, change in NAV over the quarter, monthly ROR for the fund, and information on large investments (greater than 10% of the fund’s NAV).

The NFA will be holding a webinar so that members can see how to complete the quarterly filing through the EasyFile system.

The announcement is reprinted in full below and can be found here.


Notice I-10-10

March 17, 2010

Effective Date of NFA Compliance Rule 2-46: CPO Quarterly Reporting Requirements

NFA Compliance Rule 2-46: CPO Quarterly Reporting Requirements will become effective on March 31, 2010. Rule 2-46 requires each CPO Member to report on a quarterly basis to NFA specific information on certain pools that it operates within 45 days after the end of each quarterly reporting period. The CPO must provide the information for each pool that it operates that has a reporting requirement under CFTC regulation 4.22 (which includes exempt pools under CFTC Regulation 4.7). Using a new web-based system that was specifically designed for this rule, the CPO must enter the following information:

(a) the identity of the pool’s administrator, carry broker(s), trading manager(s) and custodian(s);

(b) a statement of changes in net asset value for the quarterly reporting period;

(c) monthly performance for the three months comprising the quarterly reporting period; and

(d) a schedule of investments identifying any investment that exceeds 10% of the pool’s net asset value at the end of the quarterly reporting period.

The first quarterly report will be due by May 17, 2010 for the quarter ended March 31, 2010 and must be filed electronically using NFA’s EasyFile System. In order to ensure that CPO Members understand the new requirements, NFA will host a webinar on April 13, 2010 at 12:00 p.m. (Eastern Time), which will outline the new reporting requirements and how to file using the new system. Click here to register for the webinar. NFA staff will also provide detailed information on the new requirements and filing instructions at NFA’s CPO/CTA Regulatory Seminar being held on April 22, 2010 in New York. Click here to register for the seminar.

More information about NFA Compliance Rule 2-46 can be found in NFA’s August 25, 2009 Submission Letter to the CFTC. Questions concerning the reporting requirements should be directed to Tracey Hunt, Senior Manager, Compliance ([email protected] or 312-781-1284) or Mary McHenry, Senior Manager, Compliance ([email protected] or 312-781-1420).


Other related hedge fund law blog posts include:

Cole-Friman & Mallon LLP can provide CPOs with comprehensive support during the filing process.  Bart Mallon, Esq. can be reached directly at 415-868-5345.

NFA Adopts CPO Quarterly Reporting Rule

The NFA recently adopted new Rule 2-46 which will require commodity pool operators to make a quarterly report to the NFA.  This quarterly reporting requirement is in addition to the annual audit financial statement filing requirement and must be completed through the NFA’s online filing system.

We have provided an overview of the major requirements of the new rule and have posted the complete text of the new rule below.

Overview of NFA Rule 2-46

Who has to file?

Generally all registered CPOs will need to file the report with respect to the pools which they manage.  This includes CPOs to both 4.7 and 4.12 funds.  Operators of 4.13 funds will not need to file.

What needs to be filed?

The CPO will need to make a filing which includes the following information:

  1. Key Relationships – pool administrators, carrying brokers, trading managers, custodians
  2. Statement of Changes in NAV
  3. Monthly Rates of Return
  4. Schedule of Investments – all pool investments greater than 10% of fund NAV need to be disclosed (even if the positions are not futures/commodities)

When do quarterly reports need to be filed?

The filing must be made within 45 days of the end of each quarter.  The rule is now effective and as such the first filing will be due within 45 days after March 31, 2010.

Where do CPOs file the reports?

The CPO must file on the NFA’s EasyFile system.

Why the new rule?

The NFA wants more information on the trading which is going on, especially with respect to Regulation 4.7 pools which are not required to submit disclosure documents to the NFA.  In the adopting release, the NFA stated:

NFA recently developed a new risk management system designed to assess risks, identify trends and assign audit priorities. NFA is concerned, however, that the current information that we have relating to commodity pools – particularly CFTC Regulation 4.7 exempt pools – may not provide sufficient information for NFA to fully utilize the risk system’s capabilities. The additional limited performance and operational data NFA desires to collect is necessary so that the new risk system can provide an optimal benefit.

The full rule can be found here.

The notice of adoption of the new rule can be found here.


Rule 2-46. CPO Quarterly Reporting Requirements

Each CPO Member must report on a quarterly basis to NFA, for each pool that it operates and for which it has any reporting requirement under CFTC Regulation 4.22, the following information in a form and manner prescribed by NFA within 45 days after the end of each quarterly reporting period:

(a) The identity of the pool’s administrator, carrying broker(s), trading manager(s); and custodian(s);

(b) A statement of changes in net asset value for the quarterly reporting period;

(c) Monthly performance for the three months comprising the quarterly reporting period;

(d) A schedule of investments identifying any investment that exceeds 10% of the pool’s net asset value at the end of the quarterly reporting period.


Other related hedge fund law blog posts include:

Cole-Frieman & Mallon LLP can provide CPOs with comprehensive support during the filing process.  Bart Mallon, Esq. can be reached directly at 415-868-5345.

New Connecticut Hedge Fund Laws Proposed

Wants Greater Disclosure & Transparency

A bill was recently introduced into the Connecticut General Assembly which would require investment advisers to hedge funds to provide an overview of any conflicts of interests of such investment adviser with respect to its duties to the fund (or its investors).  This new bill comes about a year after another bill was proposed (but not passed) in Connecticut (see New Connecticut Hedge Fund Laws Proposed).

The text of bill is below and can also be found here.


General Assembly

Raised Bill No. 5053

February Session, 2010

LCO No. 540


Referred to Committee on Banks

Introduced by: (BA)


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened:

Section 1. (NEW) (Effective October 1, 2010) (a) As used in this section, “hedge fund” means any investment company, as defined in Section 3(a)(1) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, located in this state (1) that claims an exemption under Section 3(c)(1) or Section 3(c)(7) of the Investment Company Act of 1940; (2) whose offering of securities is exempt under the private offering safe harbor criteria in Rule 506 of Regulation D of the Securities Act; and (3) that meets any other criteria as may be established by the Banking Commissioner in regulations adopted under subsection (c) of this section. A hedge fund is located in this state if such fund has an office in this state where employees regularly conduct business on behalf of the hedge fund.

(b) Any investment adviser to a hedge fund shall disclose to each investor or prospective investor in such hedge fund, not later than thirty days before any such investment, any financial or other interests the investment adviser may have that conflict with or are likely to impair the investment adviser’s duties and responsibilities to the fund or its investors.

(c) The Banking Commissioner may adopt regulations, in accordance with chapter 54 of the general statutes, to implement the provisions of this section.

This act shall take effect as follows and shall amend the following sections:

Section 1

October 1, 2010

New section

Statement of Purpose:

To ensure transparency by requiring investment advisers to a hedge fund to disclose any potential conflicts of interest or interests that are likely to impair the investment adviser’s duties and responsibilities to the fund or its investors.

[Proposed deletions are enclosed in brackets. Proposed additions are indicated by underline, except that when the entire text of a bill or resolution or a section of a bill or resolution is new, it is not underlined.]


Other related hedge fund law blog posts include:

Bart Mallon, Esq. runs the Hedge Fund Law Blog and provides hedge fund information and manager registration services through Cole-Frieman & Mallon LLP. He can be reached directly at 415-868-5345.

San Francisco Futures Professionals March Meeting | March 16, 2010

NFA Regulations and Capital Raising on Agenda

The San Francisco Futures Professionals Group (LinkedIn Group) will be meeting next week to discuss the most recent NFA Regulatory Seminar.  Bart Mallon of Cole-Frieman & Mallon LLP will be providing an overview of the major regulatory items discussed at the seminar including the new NFA rule on social media, issues with disclosure documents and performance reporting, and perhaps most, importantly, how to prepare for and deal with an NFA audit.

In addition to Mr. Mallon’s discussion, Bill Grayson has offered to join the group to discuss strategy and capital raising for emerging managers.

The meeting will take place at Mr. Mallon’s office suite (1 Ferry Building, Suite 255) on March 16th at 4pm.  After the discussion the futures professionals group will move to the Slanted Door for continued discussion, drinks and networking.

All bay area futures professionals are invited to attend (please RSVP).  Additionally, Cole-Frieman & Mallon LLP would like to welcome any bay area forex professionals to attend.  Many forex professionals will need to become NFA members after the CFTC’s proposed forex registration rules are adopted and we recommend that such forex professionals begin preparing for registration.  All bay area forex professionals are encouraged to join the San Francisco Forex Professionals LinkedIn group as well.


Other related hedge fund law blog posts include:

Bart Mallon, Esq. runs the Hedge Fund Law Blog and provides hedge fund information and manager registration services through Cole-Frieman & Mallon LLP. He can be reached directly at 415-868-5345.

CFTC Regulation 4.8 for Commodity Pool Operators

CFTC Regulation 4.8 (“Rule 4.8”) is a little known regulation which allows CPOs to distribute disclosure documents and accept investor money prior to the NFA’s approval of the CPO’s disclosure document.  In order to take advantage of Rule 4.8, the CPO must make sure that pool interests are only offered or sold to accredited investors, in a Regulation D 506 offering.  The CPO will also need to initially file the disclosure document with the NFA prior to distribution to potential investors.  Rule 4.8 also applies to managers using the 4.12(b) exemption (futures/commodities trading is solely incidental to securities trading and margin does not exceed 10% of pool’s NAV).

Rule 4.8 should be used sparingly, if ever.  Managers should note that if Rule 4.8 is used prior to approval of the disclosure document the NFA will require the manager to provide investors in the fund with the approved disclosure document and an overview of the revisions which were made.  This creates a potentially awkward situation for both the manager and the investor and may, under certain circumstance, provide the investor with a right of rescission.  As with all maters in the securities industry, it is vital for a manager to provide the investor with all material information and the manager may not make any material omissions.

The full rule is reprinted below and can be found here.

Note: please see disclaimer.  Mallon P.C. is not providing legal advice through this post.


§ 4.8   Exemption from certain requirements of rule 4.26 with respect to pools offered or sold in certain offerings exempt from registration under the Securities Act.

(a) Notwithstanding paragraph (d) of §4.26 and subject to the conditions specified herein, the registered commodity pool operator of a pool offered or sold solely to “accredited investors” as defined in 17 CFR 230.501 in an offering exempt from the registration requirements of the Securities Act of 1933 pursuant to Rule 505 or 506 of Regulation D, 17 CFR 230.505 or 230.506, may solicit, accept and receive funds, securities and other property from prospective participants in that pool upon filing with the National Futures Association and providing to such participants the Disclosure Document for the pool.

(b) Notwithstanding paragraph (d) of §4.26 and subject to the conditions specified herein, the registered commodity pool operator of a pool offered or sold in an offering exempt from the registration requirements of the Securities Act of 1933 pursuant to Rule 505 or 506 of Regulation D, 17 CFR 230.505 or 230.506, that is operated in compliance with, and has filed the notice required by §4.12(b) may solicit, accept and receive funds, securities and other property from prospective participants in that pool upon filing with the National Futures Association and providing to such participants the Disclosure Document for the pool.

(c) The relief provided under §4.8 is not available if an enforcement proceeding brought by the Commission under the Act or the regulations is pending against the commodity pool operator or any of its principals or if the commodity pool operator or any of its principals is subject to any statutory disqualification under §§8a(2) or 8a(3) of the Act.

[57 FR 34865, Aug. 7, 1992; 57 FR 41173, Sept. 9, 1992, as amended at 60 FR 38182, July 25, 1995; 72 FR 1662, Jan. 16, 2007]


Other related hedge fund law blog posts include:

Bart Mallon, Esq. runs the Hedge Fund Law Blog and provides hedge fund information and manager registration services through Cole-Frieman & Mallon LLP. He can be reached directly at 415-868-5345.

Hedge Fund Databases | Survey of Databases

Hedge fund databases are online databases that collect and publish information and performance results from hedge fund managers who list their fund.  Usually these databases are open to accredited investors who subscribe to the website.

Aside from providing basic information on the hedge fund, including the name of the fund, the manager, and contact information, the database will usually include performance results, fees, and other additional strategy and structure information.  The extensiveness of the listing, as well as the amount of funds available for viewing, depends on the database.

For hedge fund managers, databases serve as a way to obtain investors and publish their fund’s information to a wider audience.  Most websites require that the manager update their performance reports on a monthly or quarterly basis, and the cost to both list and update information is free.  Often there are also additional requirements for a manager to list a fund, such as a minimum track record or minimum length of active performance, but this also depends on the individual database.

We have compiled a list of popular online databases, which are listed below.  Information on these databases will be updated appropriately as the websites’ policies and fees change throughout the year.



Leading Source for Hedge Fund Performance, News and Information

UPDATE: Information from below has been deleted because it was not up to date according to a representative at

For Managers:

  • Requirements (to list fund):
  • Minimum Track Record:

For Investors:

  • Number of Funds:
  • Updated:
  • Fee Structure:
  • Who Can Subscribe:


The Leading Free Online Hedge Fund Database and Source of News on Hedge Funds

For Managers:

  • Requirements: Offering Documents, PPM Documents
  • Minimum Track Record: No

For Investors:

  • Number of Funds: Around 7,000
  • Updated: Daily
  • Fee Structure: Offers free Basic Membership and Diamond Membership for $10,000 per year
  • Who Can Subscribe: Pension plans, family offices, consultants, funds of funds, banks, insurance companies, foundations, endowments, and qualified private investors


For Analysts and Investors Who Demand Access to the Broadest Universe of Hedge Funds

For Managers:

  • Requirements: One month of active performance
  • Minimum Track Record: None

For Investors:

  • Number of Funds: Over 6,500 funds and fund of funds
  • Updated: Bi-weekly
  • Fee Structure: Offers HFR Manager Access Package, which includes access to HFR’s five main strategy databses for $2,500, or one year subscription to HFR Database for $7,000
  • Who Can Subscribe: Accredited investors


Research on Hedge Funds, Fund of Funds, and Managed Futures/Alternative Investments

For Managers:

  • Requirements: One active month of performance
  • Minimum Track Record: None

For Investors:

  • Number of Funds: 5,723 (Global); 4,675 (Hedge Fund); 2,846 (Single Manager)
  • Updated: Bi-monthly
  • Fee Structure: $6,000 for annual subscription (Global); $4,500 (Hedge Fund); $3,500 (Single Manager); and accredited investors or those who work for an accredited institution can use the Barclay DataFinder for Free
  • Who Can Subscribe: Accredited investors


A Leading Provider of Independent Investment Research in North America, Europe, Australia, and Asia

For Managers:

  • Requirements: Questionnaire, PPM/Offering Documents/DDQ or other fund documents
  • Minimum Track Record: None

For Investors:

  • Number of Funds: Offers access to 8,000 U.S. and international funds
  • Updated: Monthly
  • Fee Structure: $179 annual membership, $19.95 monthly membership
  • Who Can Subscribe: Fund of funds, family offices, consultants, mutual fund companies, other investment managers


The Leading Independent Industry Source of Hedge Fund Performance Data

For Managers:

  • Requirements: Lipper TASS Questionnaire, latest version of Prospectus/Offering Document/PPM, most recent Audited Financial Statements
  • Minimum Track Record: None

For Investors:

  • Number of Funds: 6,300
  • Updated: Daily
  • Fee Structure: $8,040 annual subscription
  • Who Can Subscribe: Accredited investors


The Oldest CTA and Hedge Fund Database in the Market and the Source of Data for the CASAM and CISDM Indices

For Managers:

  • Requirements: None
  • Minimum Track Record: None

For Investors:

  • Number of Funds: Offers access to 4,500 hedge funds, fund of funds, and CTAs
  • Updated: Monthly
  • Fee Structure: Free
  • Who Can Subscribe: Accredited institutional investors, registered investment advisors


Provides the Greatest Breadth and Depth of Information on the Global Alternative Fund Industry

UPDATE: Information from below has been deleted because Eurekahedge has problems with how our information was presented.

For Managers:

  • Requirements:
  • Minimum Track Record:

For Investors:

  • Number of Funds:
  • Updated:
  • Fee Structure:
  • Who Can Subscribe:


The Most Extensive Database of Single-Manager Hedge Funds and Fund of Funds Available

For Managers:

  • Requirements: Proof of active performance, signed terms of agreement
  • Minimum Track Record: None

For Investors:

  • Number of Funds: Over 11,000
  • Updated: Daily
  • Fee Structure: $3,050 annual subscription for Americas Database
  • Who Can Subscribe: Qualified accredited investors


Intelligent Tools for Informed Decisions

For Managers:

  • Requirement: None
  • Minimum Track Record: None

For Investors:

  • Number of Funds: 6,100 active investments
  • Updated: Daily, Real-time basis
  • Fee Structure: Free for online research use, $5,000 annual to take off-line and use elsewhere
  • Who Can Subscribe: Accredited and qualified investors

Database: Informa Investment Solutions

The Investment World’s Compass

For Managers:

  • Requirements: CC Registered
  • Minimum Track Record: None

For Investors:

  • Number of Funds: Over 12,000 investment products
  • Updated: Monthly
  • Fee Structure: Free
  • Who Can Subscribe: Plan sponsors, investment consultants and brokerages


Other related hedge fund law articles include:

  • Hedge Fund Managers
  • Hedge Fund Investors
  • Hedge Fund Marketing

Bart Mallon, Esq. runs the Hedge Fund Law Blog and provides hedge fund information and manager registration services through Cole Frieman & Mallon LLP. He can be reached directly at 415-868-5345.

Hedge Fund Events March 2010

The following are various hedge fund events happening this month.  Please email us if you would like us to add your event to this list.


March 1-3

March 2

March 2

March 3

March 3

March 3

March 4

March 7-10

March 10

March 10

March 10-12

March 10-13

March 15

  • Sponsor: Eureka Financial Ltd.
  • Event: UCITS Funds
  • Location: London

March 16

March 17-18

March 18

March 18

March 18

March 18

March 19

March 19

March 22-23

March 23-24

March 23-24

March 23-24

March 24

March 24

March 24-25

March 25

March 25-26

March 25-26


Bart Mallon, Esq. runs the Hedge Fund Law Blog and provides hedge fund information and manager registration services through Cole-Frieman & Mallon LLP He can be reached directly at 415-868-5345.