Category Archives: Events

FLOORED Screening in San Francisco | 100 Women in Hedge Funds

Movie on Traders to be Screened in San Francisco

On January 28 the San Francisco investment management community will come together to watch the movie “FLOORED” which documents the issues facing floor traders as the industry continues its march away from traditional floor trading.  Please see the release below for more information.

Additionally, on an unrelated note, I would like to invite all futures/commodities professionals in the Bay Area to join the San Francisco Futures Professionals LinkIn Group.  The first meeting of this group will be sometime in February and will include traders/managers, service providers and (potentially) investors.



San Francisco Special Screenings of “FLOORED”
Followed by Director Q&A

January 28, 2010 at 5:00 and 7:30 PM
San Francisco, CA

Join us for sneak peek screenings of “Floored,” a feature-length documentary about the up and down lives of floor traders. Screenings will be followed by Q&A with Director James Allen Smith. (Run time: 80 minutes)

About the film: FLOORED is a gripping, honest look behind the curtain of the trading floor that few have ever seen. Like many aspects of our economy, computerized trading is changing the dynamics on the actual trading floors. FLOORED offers a unique window to this lesser-known world of finance.

To view the trailer and get more information on the film, please go to:

Screening 1:
Time: 5:00pm wine reception/registration
Screening: 5:30- 6:45pm
Discussion: 6:45 – 7:15pm
Tickets cost $16 per person. Tickets can be purchased online at:

Screening 2:
Time: 7:30 – 8:00pm registration
Screening: 8:00 – 9:15pm
Discussion: 9:15 – 9:45pm
Tickets cost $12 per person. Tickets can be purchased online at:

We will begin promptly at screen times; please arrive early.

Location: The Roxie Theater
3117 16th Street, San Francisco, CA 94103

The Roxie Theater is located in the heart of San Francisco’s Mission District, at 3117 16th Street between Valencia and Guerrero. Local Muni are the 22 and 53 (both at 16th & Valencia), 33 (18th & Valencia), 14 (16th & Mission), 49 (16th & Mission). Bart stops one block east at 16th & Mission.

Public Parking is available on Hoff Street, off of 16th between Valencia and Mission. Very reasonable rates.
Click here for more directions

About 100 Women in Hedge Funds (
100 Women in Hedge Funds is a global, practitioner-driven non-profit organization serving over 10,000 alternative investment management investors and professionals through educational, professional leverage and philanthropic initiatives. Formed in 2001, 100 Women in Hedge Funds has hosted more than 160 events globally, connected more than 150 senior women through Peer Advisory Groups and raised in excess of $17 million for philanthropic causes in the areas of women’s health, education and mentoring. For more information about 100 Women in Hedge Funds, please visit

For questions, please email
Diane Schrader
Northern CA Chair, 100WHF
[email protected]


Bart Mallon, Esq. of runs the Hedge Fund Law Blog and provides hedge fund manager registration service through Cole-Frieman & Mallon LLP. He can be reached directly at 415-868-5345.

Hedge Fund Events January 2010

The following are various hedge fund events happening this month, including a networking event co-sponsored by Cole-Frieman & Mallon LLP in San Francisco on January 13.  Please email us if you would like us to add your event to this list.


January 6-8

January 11-13

January 12- 13

  • Sponsor: iGlobal
  • Event: 2nd Annual Carbon Trading Summit
  • Location: New York, NY
  • HFLB Note: we are very interested in this conference and about the carbon markets in general.  If any attendees of this conference want to [_____]

January 13

January 13-15

January 19

January 20

January 21

January 21-22

January 21-22

January 24-26

January 25 – 26

January 25-27

January 25-27

January 26-27

January 27

January 28

January 28-29

January 29


Bart Mallon, Esq. runs the Hedge Fund Law Blog and provides hedge fund formation and manager registration services through Cole-Frieman & Mallon LLP. He can be reached directly at 415-868-5345.

Secondary Loan Market | LSTA Conference

Trends for Distressed Debt Hedge Fund Managers

Distressed debt hedge funds often face a number of legal issues with regard to their investments.  Post-Lehman, understanding the rights and liabilities attached to the actual contracts has become paramount for managers.  The following article, contributed by Karl Cole-Frieman of Cole-Frieman & Mallon LLP, provides some background on a recent conference which discussed the secondary loan market.


The LSTA Annual Conference and the Secondary Loan Market

On October 29, 2009, we attended the annual conference for the Loan Syndications and Trading Association (the “LSTA”).  Conference attendance was significantly up in 2009 from 2008, reflecting an increase in trading volume in the secondary loan market, and robust market conditions for service providers as a result of the spike in settlement on distressed documentation following Lehman’s collapse in 2008.

Secondary Loan Market Panel

Of particular interest was the panel regarding “Recent Developments in the Secondary Loan Market” moderated by Elliot Gans, Executive Vice President and General Counsel of the LSTA.  Other panelists included:

  • Linda Giannattasio, Director and Counsel in Citigroup’s Office of the General Counsel.
  • Robbin Schulsohn, Karl Cole-Frieman’s former colleague at JPMorgan Chase, where she is Executive Director and Assistant General Counsel.
  • Claire Pierce, Managing Director if Chapdelaine Credit Partners.  Claire was in-house at Bank of America for many years before joining Chapdelaine.
  • Bridget Marsh, Senior Vice President & Assistant General Counsel of the LSTA.
  • Jennifer Tallmadge, Assistant General Counsel at Bank of America.

Notably, the panel lacked a Buy Side perspective, which impacted the topics of discussion.

Buy-In/Sell-Out Provisions (“BISO”)

A relatively recent change in standard documentation for Par Trades is the inclusion in the LSTA Par/Near Par Trade Confirmation of a BISO provision for confirmations beginning February 2009.  The BISO provisions addressed the problem of counterparty risk for failure to settle a trade.   Previously, if a counterparty refused to settle a trade, there was little that the performing party could do short of litigation.  The BISO provisions, which have recently been modified, establish the circumstances under which a performing party in a Par Trade may terminate its obligations under a trade confirmation and effect a cover transaction in respect of the loans.  There is a lot of discussion about adding a BISO provision to the LSTA Distressed Trading Documents.

The panel expressed some mixed views about the success of the Par BISO provisions.  In general, the BISO provisions have been considered successful in reducing settlement times in 2009.  However, the provisions have only been in effect in a rising market, and it remains to be seen what will happen next time there is a systemic downturn in the market.  It is possible that market participants could become overwhelmed sending and responding to BISO notices.

Distressed Documents for Performing Loans

The panel also discussed the phenomenon post-Lehman of trades that settled on distressed documents for performing loans.  After the Lehman bankruptcy the loan prices fell significantly even for performing loans.  Buyers reacted by insisting that trades settle on distressed documents instead of Par documents, causing significant delays in settlements.  Generally the panel, which was dominated by Sell Side representatives, felt the market behaved irrationally in requiring distressed documents for performing loans based solely on price.  One the other hand, the distinction between par and distressed has historically been determined solely by price.  It is not clear what other objective measures loan purchasers can rely on.  From a Buy Side perspective, it might be worth spending an additional $20,000 in delayed compensation to make sure their $200,000,000 is fully protected.

Settlement Times for Loan Trades

Despite the BISO provisions in the Par confirmations, there are systemic problems causing settlement delays in 2009.  Although Linda Giannattasio indicated that 90 percent of Citibank’s par trades are settling in T+7, Elliot Gans provided raw data for 3Q 2009 that shows that problems persist.  For par trades, the average trade settled in 18 days, while the median settlement time was 11 days.  For distressed trades, the average trade settled in 45 days, while the median trades settled in 36 days.  Performing loans that trades on distressed documents post-Lehman are shifting back to Par documents, contributing to the delays.

Shift Date Rule

The LSTA plans to publish new rules for determining the “shift date,” or the date in which loans shift from Par to Distressed, and therefore must settle on distressed documents.  The existing process, which has never worked well, is that the LSTA polls dealers on the shift date.  Under the forthcoming rules, the LSTA will select the shift date and it will be binding on all parties.  Upon request, the LSTA will review trade data and other supporting material to determine the date.  Where unable to make a determination, the LSTA will assemble a Determinations Committee made up of LSTA Board members.  Elliot Gans indicated that some market participants would prefer the LSTA select a random date to the current polling system.  Nevertheless, we expect these new rules to be somewhat controversial when rolled out by the LSTA.

To find out more about the secondary loan market and other topics impacting hedge fund managers, please contact Karl Cole-Frieman of Cole-Frieman & Mallon LLP ( at 415-352-2300 or [email protected].


Other related hedge fund law articles include:

Bart Mallon, Esq. of Cole-Frieman & Mallon LLP runs the Hedge Fund Law Blog and the forex registration website.  He can be reached directly at 415-868-5345.

Hedge Fund Events November 2009

The following are various hedge fund events happening this month.


November 2

November 3 – November 5

  • Sponsors: Battea – Class Action Services, LLC,  Citco Banking Services, Custom House Fund Management, DGAM (Diversified Global Asset Management), FinAnalytica, Fractal Advisors,  Gottex Solutions Services, Riskdata, SJ Berwin, Sungard Availability Services, and
  • Event: Hedge 2009 – The World’s Finest Hedge Fund Conference
  • Location: London

November 3

November 4

November 4

November 4

November 5

November 5

  • Sponsors: Connecticut Hedge Fund Association
  • Event: Global Alpha Forum
  • Location: Greenwich, CT

November 5 – November 6

November 9 – November 10

November 9 – November 10

November 9

  • Sponsors: Real Time Systems, Thomson Reuters, Fidessa, Osaka Securities Exchange, Capital IQ, Fortis, Tora, Hedge Funds Club, Reuters Hedge World, Albourne Village, Higton Associates, Opalesque, Eureka Hedge, The Hedge Fund Journal, Hedge Fund Association, Hedge Fund Conferences, HedgeFund.Net, FIN Alternatives, HedgeCo.Net, Hedge Fund Lounge, Hedge Fund Tools, Hedge Connection, and Hedge Fund Employment
  • Event: Battle of the Quants Tokyo
  • Location: The Peninsula Hotel, Tokyo

November 10

November 10

November 12

November 12

November 12

November 14

November 17 – November 20

  • Sponsors: Peregrine Securities, Standard Bank, Nedbank Capital, Barak Fund Management, Credo, Thomson Reuters, Price Waterhouse Coopers, and Algorithmics
  • Event: Hedge Funds World Africa 2009
  • Location: Cape Town

November 18 -November 20

  • Sponsors: Tuas Power Ltd and DNV – Services for Managing Risk
  • Event: Clean Energy Expo Asia
  • Location: Singapore

November 18

  • Sponsors: Piedmont Fund Services, Schiff Hardin, LLP, Ernst & Young, Merlin, Hedge Fund Association, Mid-Atlantic Hedge Fund Association, FIN Alternatives, HedgeWeek, Hedge Fund Alert, Private Equity Insider, and HedgeFund.Net
  • Event: Alternate Investment Conference
  • Location: Washington DC

November 19

November 19

November 24 – November 25

November 26