Author Archives: Hedge Fund Lawyer

How to grow your hedge fund

There are several effective ways to grow your hedge fund. Many of those methods will be discussed and evaluated here. Obviously superior performance among investors with comparable risk is a great way to grow your fund. This section will delve into how investment teams can derive the superior performance that all funds strive for.

Character of the Management Team

There are certain key characteristics of successful investors that generally indicate whether the management team will be successful. A concentration on the business processes of the fund and consistent learning rather than daily results will generally lead to a knowledgeable management team. Most successful money managers understand that markets tend to be fickle and daily results are not always a good barometer of achievement. Hubris has the potential to plague intelligent investors; however, humility tends to lead to personal improvement and less risky investment strategies.

Investment managers should focus on their love for their work. Investors like to invest with people they can trust and those that exude a love for their work. A common trait amongst successful investors is a deep understanding of how investing induces the progress of our society. If investors have a sense that they are actually doing good for society, they tend to be more enthusiastic about their work which encourages investment. Investors should focus on the value that they provide to society. Many sophisticated investors want to believe in positive effects of their investments in addition to creation of wealth.

In addition, managers should focus on their skills rather than attempting to predict general macroeconomic trends. Successful managers know that there are always excellent opportunities in the markets to exploit. There are many trading strategies that successful investors can employ but the management team should focus on their abilities. Good management teams are patient. They fully understand their methodology. They rarely look for shortcuts or the easy way out.


Investment professionals aspiring to become masters will strive for understanding and be consistent in their philosophy. Novices tend to look for an easy way to succeed. New investors will extrapolate previously successful investment models in books and project future gains. Inexperience leads investors to search for immediate profits rather than the consistent model of return that successful long term managers achieve. Thus, patience and consistency is a virtue.

Understanding and Application of Economics

A superior understanding of market forces can lead to growth of a fund. Investors that align their investment strategies with the overall economic and liquidity environment tend to be more successful and are able to maximize profit in nearly all environments. An intrinsic understanding of the drivers of market prices and examples of investment success guides successful funds. In addition, staying dynamic and perceptive of changing market trends is vital to maintaining the edge that superior economic knowledge grants.

Being able to time the liquidity cycle of the market should be a determinant in how a fund allocates capital. It has been found that 97% of equities fall in a period of tightening while 90% of equities rise in a steep yield curve environment. In addition, liquidity cycles can be utilized to determine the attractiveness of foreign markets that actively trade stocks and bonds. In an increasingly flat economic environment understanding global liquidity and economic indicators is essential to most funds.

Asset Allocation

Large cash positions provide low returns but good investors should be patient within their preferred asset class. Thus, investors looking to grow their funds should seek out other asset classes in which to allocate capital. While investors should find asset classes that best match their portfolio, it has been found that allocating 10 to 25 percent of assets to actively managed futures can increase long term returns and decrease long term risk. Many studies have found that adding actively managed futures to a portfolio of stocks/bonds can decrease volatility and increase gains.

In addition, investors should understand the almost universally recognized truth that joining several risky investments into one portfolio decreases risk and raises return. Mixing together uncorrelated assets should smooth out long term performance and increase fund size as the investments will react to different market forces.

Effective Marketing

In today’s increasingly competitive market for the capital of sophisticated investors, hedge fund managers need to market their fund properly in order to encourage large infusions of capital. A hedge fund manager may not solicit investment into the fund through any “general solicitation” or “general advertisement” per SEC regulations and thus funds rely upon advisory services to raise capital. Hedge funds used to rely on networks of advisors and their high net worth clientele; however, with the increasingly flat investment world, hedge fund consultants can be easily contact via the internet. Hedge fund advisors utilizing the internet are subject to the same SEC regulations as traditional advisors. Operational websites must adhere to the following regulations: the site is password protected, there are no references to a specific fund on the home page, the internal contents of the website are only available to qualified clients, and prospective investors are required to wait thirty days before investing.

In addition, a hedge fund administrator may be helpful in marketing and managing the fund. A hedge fund administrator provides valuable third party resources that: reduce expenses of the fund, validate performance results to investors, increase the managers’ time available to focus on investing, and provide access to accounting and finance professionals.

Hedge funds can benefit from using banks as a prime broker as it provides many resources and most importantly a centralized clearing house for transactions. Prime brokerages also provide value-added services of: capital introduction, risk management advisory services, and consulting services. Outsourcing non-investment activities to another firm decreases distractions, allowing the managers to focus on investing.

Transparency and Simplicity

Hedge funds trying to grow should encourage capital infusion by being somewhat transparent and simple. Typically hedge funds want to be relatively opaque; however, increasing investors are requesting more information and a minimum level of transparency for effective due diligence in now usually required. A level of transparency can be accomplished with an operational website that complies with all regulations. Many investors may not seriously consider investment in a fund without a website. In addition, managers should list performance on hedge fund databases. Acknowledgment of outperforming associated risk benchmarks on a hedge fund database will typically induce some investors to choose your fund over another.

CTA registration requirement and exemption

Question: does my commodity/futures trading firm need to register as a CTA?

Answer: Generally Section 6m(1) of the Commodities Exchange Act (“CEA”) requires that any person (or firm) which falls within the definition of a CTA be registered as such. Section 6m(1) of the CEA states:

“It shall be unlawful for any commodity trading advisor or commodity pool operator, unless registered under this chapter, to make use of the mails or any means or instrumentality of interstate commerce in connection with his business as such commodity trading advisor or commodity pool operator”

The Commodities Exchange Act (“CEA”) specifically defines a Commodity Trading Adviser (“CTA”) as:

“any person who– (i) for compensation or profit, engages in the business of advising others, either directly or through publications, writings, or electronic media, as to the value of or the advisability of trading in– (I) any contract of sale of a commodity for future delivery made or to be made on or subject to the rules of a contract market or derivatives transaction execution facility; (II) any commodity option authorized under section 6c of [the CEA]; or (III) any leverage transaction authorized under section 23 of [the CEA]; or (ii) for compensation or profit, and as part of a regular business, issues or promulgates analyses or reports concerning any of the activities referred to in clause (i)”

Because the above definition is quite broad, Congress specifically excluded certain groups from the definition. These groups include:

  • any bank or trust company or any person acting as an employee thereof;
  • any news reporter, news columnist, or news editor of the print or electronic media, or any lawyer, accountant, or teacher;
  • any floor broker or futures commission merchant;
  • the publisher or producer of any print or electronic data of general and regular dissemination, including its employees;
  • the fiduciary of any defined benefit plan that is subject to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (29 U.S.C. 1001 et seq.);
  • any contract market or derivatives transaction execution facility; and
  • such other persons not within the intent of this paragraph as the Commission may specify by rule, regulation, or order.

I have previously discussed how to register as a CTA in the article titled How to register as a CPO or CTA.

Question: are there any exemptions from CTA registration?

Answer: Yes. Section 6m(1) of the CEA states:

That the [registration] provisions of this section shall not apply to any commodity trading advisor who, during the course of the preceding twelve months, has not furnished commodity trading advice to more than fifteen persons and who does not hold himself out generally to the public as a commodity trading advisor. [emphasis added]

To fall within the above exemption, both elements must be met. That is, the CTA must

  • have less than 15 clients over the preceeding 12 months and
  • not hold himself out generally to the public as a CTA

The question then becomes what does “holding out” as a CTA entail?

The CFTC views “holding oneself out as a CTA” to include such conduct as promoting advisory services through mailings, directory listings, and stationery, or otherwise initiating contact with prospective clients. Thus, unless a CTA restricts his clients to family, friends, and existing business associates, a CTA generally will be viewed as holding himself out to the public as a CTA and would not be able to claim the exemption from registration in Section 6m(1).

The CFTC specifically gave such guidance in the following letter.

CFTC Letter No. 97-26
March 26, 1997
Division of Trading & Markets

Re: Section 4m(1): Exemption from CTA Registration

Dear [_______]:

This is in response to your letter dated January 29, 1997 to the Division of Trading and Markets (the “Division”) of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (the “Commission”), whereby you inquire as to whether you may claim an exemption from registration as a commodity trading advisor (“CTA”) pursuant to Section 4m(1) [now 6m(1)] of the Commodity Exchange Act (the “Act”). *

Based on your letter, we understand the pertinent facts to be as follows. You intend to sell subscriptions to a fax service (the “Service”) entitled “A”, of which you are the sole designer. The Service will provide subscribers with buy and sell recommendations for Eurodollar futures and option contracts traded on “X”.

Section 4m(1) [now 6m(1)] of the Act generally requires that a person who provides commodity interest trading advice to the public must register as a CTA. Section 4m(1) does, however, provide an exemption from registration as a CTA for a person who satisfies two conditions: (1) during the course of the preceding twelve months, he has not furnished commodity trading advice to more than fifteen persons; and (2) he does not hold himself out generally to the public as a CTA. The Division views “holding oneself out as a CTA” to include such conduct as promoting advisory services through mailings, directory listings, and stationery, or otherwise initiating contact with prospective clients.** Thus, unless a CTA restricts his clients to family, friends, and existing business associates, a CTA generally will be viewed as holding himself out to the public as a CTA and would not be able to claim the exemption from registration in Section 4m(1) [now 6m(1)]. This is true whether or not the CTA is advising fifteen or fewer persons, since in order to qualify for the Section 4m(1) exemption, the CTA must satisfy both conditions. [Emphasis added]

Thus, if you plan to solicit clients other than immediate family members, friends, and business associates, you would be holding yourself out as a CTA and would be required to register as such prior to marketing the Service. You would also be required to comply with all other provisions of the Act and Commission’s regulations thereunder applicable to registered CTAs, including Section 4b and Section 4o,*** the antifraud provisions of the Act, Part 4 of the Commission’s regulations applicable to CTAs, and the reporting requirements for traders set forth in Parts 15, 18, and 19 of the Commission’s regulations.

The advice provided herein is based upon the representations that you have made to us. Any different, changed or omitted facts or conditions might require us to reach a different conclusion. In this connection, we request that you notify us immediately in the event your activities change in any way from those as represented to us.

If you have any questions concerning this correspondence, please feel free to contact me or Monica S. Amparo, an attorney on my staff, at (202) 418-5450.

Very truly yours,

Susan C. Ervin

Chief Counsel

* 7 U.S.C. §6m(1) (1994).

** Division of Trading and Markets Interpretative Letter 91-9, [1990-1992 Transfer Binder] Comm. Fut. L. Rep. (CCH) ¶ 25,189 (Dec. 30, 1991). We have enclosed a copy of this letter for your reference.

*** 7 U.S.C. §§ 6b and 6o (1994).

SEC fines adviser and revokes registration

The SEC fined an investment adviser and revoked its registration because of willful refusal to follow simple investment adviser rules such as updating form ADV and submitting to a reasonable examination of its books and records.

From SEC website:

Commission Declares Decision as to Amaroq Asset Management, LLC and Dwight Andre Sean O’Neal Jones Final

The decision of an administrative law judge ordering Amaroq Asset Management, LLC, and Dwight Andree Sean O’Neal Jones to cease and desist from committing or causing any violations or future violations of Section 204 of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 and Advisers Act Rule 204-1 has been declared final. The law judge further ordered that the registration of Amaroq Asset Management, LLC be revoked; that Dwight Andree Sean O’Neal Jones be barred from association with any investment adviser, with a right to apply for association after one year; and ordered that Jones pay a civil penalty in the amount of $15,000.

The law judge concluded that Jones willfully aided and abetted and was a cause of Amaroq’s failure to: (1) file annual amendments to Form ADV; (2) promptly update its Form ADV to reflect its current business address; (3) submit to a reasonable examination and failing to furnish copies of the required books and records in connection with the scheduled examination. The law judge found that Jones showed indifference and/or a series of broken promises, when Commission attorneys repeatedly and explicitly informed him of the law’s requirements, thereby demonstrating extreme recklessness. (Rel. IA-2770) Finality Order; File No. 3-12822)

For final decision, click here.

What licenses do you need to start or manage a hedge fund?

Question: What licenses do you need to start or manage a hedge fund?

Answer: This is a question that comes up quite often. Many people wonder whether they need a series 7 license or the series 65 license or the series 3 to manage a hedge fund. First, a potential hedge fund manager does not need to have a series 7 license in order to manager a hedge fund. The series 7 license is the general securities representative licese which allows an individual to be a representative (broker) of a FINRA registered member firm (brokerage firm or broker-dealer). The series 7 allows a representative to take and place trades for a customer. It is also a prerequisite for many of the other FINRA exams (such as the series 24). Because the hedge fund in not regulated as a broker, a hedge fund manager does not need to have a series 7 license (assuming that the manager is also concurrently acting as a broker-dealer representative).

Second, a start up hedge fund manager may need to have a series 65 license in order to become registered as an investment adviser. There are two potential ways a hedge fund manager would be required to register as an investment adviser – under the federal rules (the Investment Advisers Act of 1940) or under the various state rules (commonly referred to as the state blue sky laws). If a manager is required to register with the SEC under the Advisers Act* then, for federal purposes, the manager will not need to have taken the Series 65. However, the Advisers Act allows states to impose certain requirements on all federally registered investment advisers with a place of business in their state. Generally the states will require all federally registered investment advisers to “notice file” in their state which entails paying a fee to the state. The state can also require that all investment adviser representatives have the series 65 license. This means that anyone who talks to clients/investors or makes any trading decisions or analysis will need to have this license. The definition of investment adviser representative basically encompasses every employee or owner of the investment adviser other than secretary type employees. If you are a federally registered investment adviser you should discuss whether members of your team need to be licensed as representatives at the state level.

If you are not a federally registered investment adviser (generally all managers with less than 30 million of assets under management) then you will need to determine whether your management firm needs to be registered as an investment adviser at the state level. Many states require investment advisers with a place of business** in the state to register. Some popular states that require investment adviser registration are California, Texas, Washington and Colorado. However, there are many states which have exemptions from the registration requirements. Some popular states that have exemptions (through regulation or special order) from investment adviser registration for hedge fund managers are New York, Connecticut, Florida and Georgia. Again, you should speak with your legal counsel or compliance professional to determine whether your hedge fund management firm will need to be licensed as an investment adviser in the state.

Finally, if the hedge fund trades futures or commodities then the manager may need to be registered as a commodity pool operator with the National Futures Association. In order to register as a commodity pool operator at least one person at the management company will need to take the Series 3 exam. For more information on the Series 3 exam and this part of the registration process please read how to register as a CPO or CTA.

* Many potential hedge fund managers are confused with whether a management company will need to be registered as an investment adviser with the SEC. The answer is that in most cases a hedge fund manager will not have to be registered as an investment adviser with the SEC because of an exemption provision within the investment advisers act. Section 203(b)(3) of the Advisers Act specifically exempts from the registration provisions “any investment adviser who during the course of the preceding twelve months has had fewer than fifteen clients and who neither holds himself out generally to the public as an investment adviser nor acts as an investment adviser …” The term “client” in the hedge fund context means a “corporation, general partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company, trust …, or other legal organization … to which you provide investment advice based on its investment objectives rather than the individual investment objectives of its shareholders, partners, limited partners, members, or beneficiaries…”

This means that as long as a hedge fund manager will not need to count the investors in the hedge fund as his “client” and that the hedge fund itself is the only “client.” You will probably recall that a couple of years ago the SEC proposed a change to the rules under the Advisers Act that required a manager to count all of the investors in the hedge fund as clients. Under the proposed rule hedge fund managers would have been required register with the SEC (if they had at least $30 million under management), but Phillip Goldstein successfully challenged the SEC in court. His successful challenge to the rule change allows hedge fund managers to escape SEC regulation.

** “Place of business” of an investment adviser means: (1) An office at which the investment adviser regularly provides investment advisory services, solicits, meets with, or otherwise communicates with clients; and (2) Any other location that is held out to the general public as a location at which the investment adviser provides investment advisory services, solicits, meets with, or otherwise communicates with clients.

India Embraces Private Equity Funds

The following is a press release from the international law firm Walkers discussing private equity funds in India.  The release can be found here.

India Embraces Private Equity

Walkers, the global offshore law firm of choice for companies, financial organizations, and international law firms reports that private equity has emerged as a popular financing option in India for capital investment and expansion programs.

“The global credit crunch has tightened the availability of banking finance, forcing investors in India and worldwide to reach out to private equity funds as an alternative source of funding their capital investment/expansion programs. Despite India’s recent weakened economic outlook and inflation at a 13-year high, the infrastructure sector continues to attract global equity funds,” Caroline Williams, Private Equity partner in Walkers’ Cayman office, said. “Additionally, India is realizing increased interest from offshore money, which will be invested into the national infrastructure program over the next five to seven years.”

In 2007, India attracted more private equity funds than China, and also has more private enterprises. The high priority for development of infrastructure, anticipated to need US$500bn in the next five years, makes construction one of the most popular segments for investments. As an example, last month, Red Fort announced an infrastructure fund focused on ports and power station development that is estimated to raise in excess of US$600m by the end of 2008. The company has already closed seven deals in the real estate market worth US$200m in the first half of 2008 and anticipates investing another US$300m by the end 2008 to make a total of around 10-12 deals in 2008.

“The driving motivation for foreign direct investment inflows into India continues to be double tax treaties associated with offshore jurisdictions. Private equity funds establish wholly-owned subsidiaries in offshore jurisdictions to invest into the Indian target company,” said Philip Millward, a Private Equity partner in Walkers’ Hong Kong office. “Clients of Walkers’ Hong Kong office have established Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) in the Cayman Islands and British Virgin Islands to operate as holding companies for investments into India. These SPVs typically invest into underlying Indian investee companies via a wholly-owned subsidiary established in a country that has a double tax treaty with India, namely Mauritius, Singapore, or Cyprus. By creating an offshore holding structure, the private equity fund may avoid transferability restrictions on an eventual exit from the underlying investment.”

Despite some concern over valuations of Indian companies, the high growth of the Indian economy has kept it attractive to private equity.  Private equity investment has risen consistently from US$2.03bn in 2005 to US$17.14bn in 2007. And the deals are getting bigger. In 2007, 48 deals of over US$100m were closed compared to 11 deals of over US$100m in 2006.

“Private equity funds are extremely keen to identify and invest in growth opportunities in the Indian pre-IPO market. This enthusiasm, coupled with a lack of viable investment opportunities in other markets, has made private equity financing an easier source of capital than financial institutions that are scaling back their lending activities in emerging markets,” said Richard Addlestone, a Private Equity partner in Walkers’ Cayman office. “However, private equity’s insistence on taking quasi-management positions within the investee companies can be perceived as an encroachment on the funded company’s ability to independently control the growth and direction of the business. This can often lead to a focus on short- to medium-term growth to facilitate an exit for the private equity fund, not longer term strategies.”

Sovereign wealth funds (“SWF”), such as Temesek, Dubai Investment Corporation and others are also investing heavily in India.  SWFs tend to be known more for providing cash rather than management expertise. However, SWFs are evolving, hiring staff with similar skills to those in private equity houses and morphing into a type of private equity firm, themselves and so leveling the playing field.

“While India does present some challenges due to the strict restrictions of the Indian Companies Act, 1956 and the material regulatory barriers if a fund investing in India is not a member of IOSCO, we anticipate continued interest in India, and more activity from India investors,” continued Mr. Millward. “By working with a sophisticated law firm that has vast experience both in private equity funds and in the Asian markets, institutional investors and global financial organizations can leverage the power of this emerging market.”

Related HFLB posts include:

CFTC order levies major fine on hedge fund trader


The CFTC ordered a hedge fund manager who operated four commodity pools to pay more than $279 mm in restitution to prior hedge fund investors as well a $20 mm civil penalty for his fraud. The manager concealed huge losses from investors by issuing false account statements which reflected consistently profitable trades. The hedge fund manager also misappropriated some of the investor’s assets.

Press Release:

Release: 5531-08
For Release: August 19, 2008

Hedge Fund Trader Paul Eustace and Philadelphia Alternative Asset Management Co. Ordered to Pay More Than $279 Million to Defrauded Customers and More than $20 Million in Civil Monetary Penalties in CFTC Action

Washington, DC – The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) today announced that Paul Eustace of Ontario, Canada, was ordered to pay more than $279 million in restitution and a $12 million civil penalty, based on an order that resolves a CFTC enforcement action against him for defrauding commodity pool participants in four pools that he managed.

The court also entered an order of default judgment against the commodity pool operator that Eustace controlled, the Philadelphia Alternative Asset Management Co. (PAAM), imposing permanent trading and registration bans, requiring payment of restitution of approximately $276 million, subject to offset by prior disbursements and payments by Eustace, and imposing an $8.8 million civil monetary penalty.

The supplemental consent order, entered by the Hon. Michael M. Baylson of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania on August 13, 2008, follows a July 13, 2007 consent order of permanent injunction against Eustace that enjoins Eustace from further violations, and imposes permanent trading and registration bans.

“This concludes a successful effort by our Division of Enforcement to stop fraud in its tracks, return as much money as possible to defrauded investors, and to bring wrongdoers to justice,” said CFTC Acting Chairman Walter Lukken.

The orders arise out of a CFTC complaint filed on June 21, 2005, and later amended, against Eustace and PAAM. (See CFTC Press Release 5091-05, June 29, 2005.)

At the outset of the litigation, the CFTC’s action froze all the assets under the control of PAAM and Eustace and preserved more than $70 million for return to pool participants. The CFTC also obtained the appointment of a receiver to recover and distribute funds to defrauded participants. Through related receivership litigation, an additional $96 million has been obtained to date for the benefit of defrauded pool participants. Defendants’ restitution obligation shall be offset by any funds distributed through the receivership.

As alleged in the amended complaint, and as the 2007 consent order found, from at least the spring of 2001 through June 2005, Eustace fraudulently operated four commodity pools: the Option Capital Fund LP (Option Capital Fund); and, through PAAM, the Philadelphia Alternative Asset Fund, L.P. (LP Fund); the Philadelphia Alternative Feeder Fund LLC; and the Philadelphia Alternative Asset Fund, Ltd., an offshore fund with over $250 million in assets. During this time, Eustace incurred losses of approximately $200 million trading commodity futures and options either in accounts held in the name of the funds or in his name. Eustace concealed those losses by issuing or causing to be issued, false account statements reflecting highly and consistently profitable trading results. Eustace also misappropriated assets of the Option Capital and LP Funds and received incentive and management fees through his fraudulent operation of the pools. Eustace was also charged with fraudulent solicitation and registration violations.

The CFTC Division of Enforcement appreciates the assistance of the Ontario Securities Commission and the National Futures Association in this matter.

In December 2007, the CFTC issued a related order filing and settling failure to supervise and recordkeeping charges against MF Global, Inc. (MFG), a registered futures commission merchant, and Thomas Gilmartin, a former associated person of MFG relating to their mishandling of certain trading accounts managed by Eustace and PAAM that sustained losses of approximately $133 million. MFG and Gilmartin paid collectively $2.25 million in civil monetary penalties and Gilmartin agreed never to seek registration with the Commission. (See CFTC Press Release 5427-07, December 26, 2007.)

The following CFTC Division of Enforcement staff members are responsible for this case: Gretchen L. Lowe, Michael J. Otten, Kara Mucha, Glenn I. Chernigoff, Richard B. Wagner, and Vincent McGonagle.

SEC to replace ancient EDGAR database


On Tuesday the SEC announced that a new company filing database which will be faster and easier to use than the current EDGAR system. The new system is called IDEA, short for Interactive Data Electronic Applications. With IDEA, investors will be able to instantly collate information from thousands of companies and forms, and create reports and analysis on the fly, in any way they choose.

Press Release:

SEC Announces Successor to EDGAR Database
“IDEA” Will Make Company and Fund Information Interactive

Washington, D.C., Aug. 19, 2008 — Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Christopher Cox today unveiled the successor to the agency’s 1980s-era EDGAR database, which will give investors far faster and easier access to key financial information about public companies and mutual funds.

The new system is called IDEA, short for Interactive Data Electronic Applications. Based on a completely new architecture being built from the ground up, it will at first supplement and then eventually replace the EDGAR system. The decision to replace EDGAR marks the SEC’s transition from collecting forms and documents to making the information itself freely available to investors to give them better and more up-to-date financial disclosure in a form they can readily use.

Currently, most SEC filings are available only in government-prescribed forms through EDGAR. Investors looking for information must sift through one form at a time, and then re-keyboard the information — a painstaking task. With IDEA, investors will be able to instantly collate information from thousands of companies and forms, and create reports and analysis on the fly, in any way they choose.

IDEA will ensure that both the SEC and the investors who rely upon the financial reporting the agency demands are ready for the new world of financial disclosure that will soon arrive when financial information is presented in interactive data format. The SEC has formally proposed requiring U.S. companies to provide financial information using interactive data beginning as early as next year, and separately has proposed requiring mutual funds to submit their public filings using interactive data.

“IDEA will ensure that the SEC continues to stay ahead of the needs of investors,” said Chairman Cox. “This new SEC resource powered by interactive data will give investors far faster, more accurate, and more meaningful information about the companies and mutual funds they own. IDEA’s launch represents a fundamental change in the way the SEC collects and publishes company and fund information – and in the way that investors will be able to use it.”

Interactive data relies on computer “tags,” similar in function to bar codes, which identify individual items in a company’s financial disclosures. With every number on an income statement or balance sheet individually labeled, information about thousands of companies contained on thousands of forms could be easily searched on the Internet, downloaded into spreadsheets, reorganized in databases, and put to any number of other comparative and analytical uses by investors, analysts, journalists, and financial intermediaries.

The ease with which interactive data will make financial information available also is expected to generate many new Web-based services and products for investors.

As he unveiled the new IDEA platform at a Washington news conference today, Chairman Cox announced that the IDEA logo will begin to appear immediately on the SEC’s Web site as the agency transitions to making IDEA the new primary source for all SEC filings. Companies’ interactive data filings are expected to be available through IDEA beginning late this year.

Investors and others who currently use EDGAR will be able to continue doing so for the indefinite future. During the transition to IDEA, investors will be able to take advantage of new interactive, IDEA-like features that will be grafted onto EDGAR in the short run. This will make it possible for investors to tap IDEA’s advanced search capabilities, and to use the information from EDGAR within spreadsheets and analytical software – something that was never possible with EDGAR. The EDGAR database also will continue to be available as an archive of company filings for past years.

“When Congress created the SEC, and even when EDGAR was launched, the markets worked on paper and by mail. Today, the marketplace works online and by e-mail,” explained disclosure and transparency expert Dr. William D. Lutz, who is leading the SEC’s 21st Century Disclosure Initiative. “Companies and investors alike compile, analyze, and produce information and reports electronically. With the move to an electronic data-based filing system, the SEC will not only keep pace with the markets, but will provide investors with a dynamic system they can use to get the information they need, rather than having to wade through an avalanche of paper forms, legalese, and doublespeak.”

David Blaszkowsky, Director of the SEC’s Office of Interactive Disclosure, added, “After 75 years of document-based static financial reporting, whether in paper documents or in electronic equivalents, it is exciting to see the SEC poised to cross the ‘data threshold’ and help investors receive financial information that is dynamic, usable and ready to go as they make their investment decisions. And when the investor wins, so does the public company, fund, or other filer who simultaneously benefits from greater transparency and trust in our markets. By tapping the power of interactive data to tear down barriers to quick and meaningful investment information, markets can become fairer and more efficient while investors can possess far better quality data than was ever possible before.”

What is a hedge fund?

In short, hedge funds are pooled investment vehicles. That is, a hedge fund is a company which pools money from its investors (owners) and makes investments pursuant to the fund’s stated investment objective. There are many different types of hedge funds, which can invest in everything from stocks and bonds to more esoteric investments like derivatives, commodities and real estate. In addition to investments in a wide variety of financial or other instruments, hedge funds can “short” certain financial instruments and can also borrow to “leverage” their investments.

Unlike mutual funds, hedge funds are not registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. While this means that hedge funds are not subject to the same level of government scrutiny as mutual funds, it does not mean that the SEC and the states cannot bring enforcement actions against hedge fund managers who break the law or make misrepresentations to investors.

While hedge funds are not subject to the more rigorous standards of mutual funds, they will need to comply with the U.S. securities laws regarding “private placements.” Hedge funds are generally sold to investors in “private placements” which means that hedge fund managers cannot advertise and that, generally, investors will need to be “accredited investors” that is they must have either (i) a one million dollar net worth or (ii). The investment managers will also need to adhere to certain filings within each state in which an investor resides. This will generally mean that they must file a “Form D” notice with each state within 15 days of the date in which each investor invests in the fund. The “Form D” must also be filed with the SEC within this time period.

NFA workshop in New York announced

National Futures Association
Promotional Material Workshop/Small Firms Workshop
Monday, October 20, 2008
The Westin Hotel
New York City

NFA announces two half-day workshops for NFA Members and futures compliance professionals on Monday, October 20, 2008 in New York. The workshops will be held in the Broadway Ballroom at The Westin New York, located at 270 W. 43rd Street. The morning workshop will cover all aspects of promotional material rules and regulations, while the afternoon workshop will address small firm regulatory issues and compliance practices. Participants may choose to attend either of the workshops or both.

For more information, click here.

Ron Insana’s failed hedge fund

Today in the New York Times Business section, there is an article about a hedge fund run by form CNBC news anchor Ron Insana (click here for article). The article details Mr. Insana’s quest to become a fund of funds manager and the pitfalls that befell the former market commentator.

The Times does a great job at identifying many of the issues which a start up hedge fund manager will need to be aware of, especially the costs.

In truth, there are thousands of Mr. Insanas desperately trying to raise money from nondescript little offices across the country. Some of them raised $10 million, some raised $100 million or more. And, as money has gotten tighter, and the bloom has come off the hedge fund rose, some have raised none at all.

Although the big boys get most of the ink, Mr. Insana’s is a far more common story — and far more representative of what is happening in the land of hedge funds today.

While the landscape for a start up hedge fund manager is a difficult one, it is also one in which a manager can succeed if the manager takes the time to plan accordingly. To quote Yogi Berra, “If you don’t know where you are going, you will wind up somewhere else.”